[rancid] Rancid Radware AppDirector (End of run not found)
Victor Ruiz
2014-01-14 09:48:16 UTC
Hello group;

We've some problems working with RANCID and Radware AppDirector Switches. I am working with rlogin-addon and rrancid-addon to get the switch conf, and is very strange because running the command:
$> bin/rlogin-addon -t 90 -c"system config immediate" imi-br-gl-1

The RANBCID can connect and get the configuration without problems, if I run:

$> bin/rrancid-addon -d imi-br-gl-1

I get the following output:

executing rlogin-addon -t 90 -c"system config immediate" imi-br-gl-1
HIT COMMAND:AppDirector#system config immediate
In SystemConfigImmediate: AppDirector#system config immediate
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.

But in the host_file.new file I've the Radware configuration but in the SVN the configuration is not upload, in the logfile for this group when I run rancid-run -f /usr/local/rancid/etc/rancid.conf -r imi-br-gl-1 show:

Trying to get all of the configs.
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.
Getting missed routers: round 1.
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.
Getting missed routers: round 2.
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.
Getting missed routers: round 3.
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.
Getting missed routers: round 4.
imi-br-gl-1: End of run not found
Connection closed by foreign host.

I was looking for answer in the Internet to this issue but I don't have answers, anyone with experience in this kind of vendor can help me.

The perl script for RANCID that I am using are:

use Getopt::Std;
if ($opt_V) {
print "rancid 2.3.6\n";
$log = $opt_l;
$debug = $opt_d;
$file = $opt_f;
$host = $ARGV[0];
$clean_run = 0;
$found_end = 0;
$prompt = "#";
$timeo = 90;

my(@commandtable, %commands, @commands);# command lists
my($aclsort) = ("ipsort"); # ACL sorting mode
my($filter_commstr); # SNMP community string filtering
my($filter_pwds); # password filtering mode
#my $hist_tag="";
#my $command="";
# This routine is used to print out the router configuration
sub ProcessHistory {
my($new_hist_tag,$new_command,$command_string,@string) = (@_);
if ((($new_hist_tag ne $hist_tag) || ($new_command ne $command))
&& scalar(%history)) {
print eval "$command \%history";
undef %history;
if (($new_hist_tag) && ($new_command) && ($command_string)) {
if ($history{$command_string}) {
$history{$command_string} = "$history{$command_string}@string";
} else {
$history{$command_string} = "@string";
} elsif (($new_hist_tag) && ($new_command)) {
$history{++$#history} = "@string";
} else {
print "@string";
$hist_tag = $new_hist_tag;
$command = $new_command;


sub numerically { $a <=> $b; }

# This is a sort routine that will sort numerically on the
# keys of a hash as if it were a normal array.
sub keynsort {
local(%lines) = @_;
local($i) = 0;
foreach $key (sort numerically keys(%lines)) {
$sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$key};

# This is a sort routine that will sort on the
# keys of a hash as if it were a normal array.
sub keysort {
local(%lines) = @_;
local($i) = 0;
foreach $key (sort keys(%lines)) {
$sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$key};

# This is a sort routine that will sort on the
# values of a hash as if it were a normal array.
sub valsort{
local(%lines) = @_;
local($i) = 0;
foreach $key (sort values %lines) {
$sorted_lines[$i] = $key;

# This is a numerical sort routine (ascending).
sub numsort {
local(%lines) = @_;
local($i) = 0;
foreach $num (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %lines) {
$sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$num};

# This is a sort routine that will sort on the
# ip address when the ip address is anywhere in
# the strings.
sub ipsort {
local(%lines) = @_;
local($i) = 0;
foreach $addr (sort sortbyipaddr keys %lines) {
$sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$addr};

# These two routines will sort based upon IP addresses
sub ipaddrval {
my(@a) = ($_[0] =~ m#^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$#);
$a[3] + 256 * ($a[2] + 256 * ($a[1] +256 * $a[0]));
sub sortbyipaddr {
&ipaddrval($a) <=> &ipaddrval($b);

# This routine processes a "system config immediate"
sub SystemConfigImmediate{
print STDERR " In SystemConfigImmediate: $_" if ($debug);
my($lineauto,$comment,$linecnt) = (0,0,0);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if(/^$prompt/);
return(0) if ($found_end); # Only do this routine once
s/^!File Signature: .*$/!$1 <removed>/;
#s/^(manage radius server-secret set) .*$/!$1 <removed>/;
#s/^(manage user table create ).* (-pw ).*$/!$1<removed> $2<removed>/;

$found_end = 1;

# dummy function
sub DoNothing {print STDOUT;}

# Main
@commandtable = (
{'system config immediate' => 'SystemConfigImmediate'},

# Use an array to preserve the order of the commands and a hash for mapping
# commands to the subroutine and track commands that have been completed.
@commands = map(keys(%$_), @commandtable);
%commands = map(%$_, @commandtable);


if (length($host) == 0) {
if ($file) {
print(STDERR "Too few arguments: file name required\n");
} else {
print(STDERR "Too few arguments: host name required\n");
open(OUTPUT,">$host.new") || die "Can't open $host.new for writing: $!\n";
# make OUTPUT unbuffered if debugging
if ($debug) { $| = 1; }

if ($file) {
print STDERR "opening file $host\n" if ($debug);
print STDOUT "opening file $host\n" if ($log);
open(INPUT,"<$host") || die "open failed for $host: $!\n";
} else {
print STDERR "executing rlogin-addon -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($debug);
print STDOUT "executing rlogin-addon -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($log);
if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
system "rlogin-addon -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null > $host.raw 2>&1" || die "rlogin-addon failed for $host:
open(INPUT, "< $host.raw") || die "clogin failed for $host: $!\n";
} else {
open(INPUT,"rlogin-addon -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null |") || die "clogin failed for $host: $!\n";

# determine password filtering mode
#if ($ENV{"FILTER_PWDS"} =~ /no/i) {
# $filter_pwds = 0;
#} elsif ($ENV{"FILTER_PWDS"} =~ /all/i) {
# $filter_pwds = 2;
#} else {
$filter_pwds = 1;

ProcessHistory("","","","!RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: radware\n!\n");
TOP: while(<INPUT>) {

if (/[>#]\s?logout$/) {
if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host clogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host clogin error: $_") if ($debug);
while (/#\s*($cmds_regexp)\s*$/) {
$cmd = $1;
if (!defined($prompt)) {
$prompt = ($_ =~ /^([^#]+#)/)[0];
$prompt =~ s/([][}{)(\\])/\\$1/g<file:///\\])\$1\g>;
print STDERR ("PROMPT MATCH: $prompt\n") if ($debug);
print STDERR ("HIT COMMAND:$_") if ($debug);
if (! defined($commands{$cmd})) {
print STDERR "$host: found unexpected command - \"$cmd\"\n";
$clean_run = 0;
last TOP;
$rval = &{$commands{$cmd}};
if ($rval == -1) {
$clean_run = 0;
last TOP;
print STDOUT "Done $logincmd: $_\n" if ($log);
# Flush History
# Cleanup

if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
unlink("$host.raw") if (! $debug);

# check for completeness
if (scalar(%commands) || !$clean_run || !$found_end) {
if (scalar(%commands)) {
printf(STDOUT "$host: missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands)));
printf(STDERR "$host: missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands))) if ($debug);
if (!$clean_run || !$found_end) {
print STDOUT "$host: End of run not found\n";
print STDERR "$host: End of run not found\n" if ($debug);
system("/usr/bin/tail -1 $host.new");
unlink "$host.new" if (! $debug);

Thanks in advance for your time and support

Best Regards
