[rancid] rancid-run returning no output
Ryan Milton
2015-02-14 00:32:42 UTC
Hi all,

I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...

Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing any configs.
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to function. That did work.
running rancid v 3.1
now, when I run the command:

/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r

I get the following empty message :

starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015

ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
This works:
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/logs$ jlogin
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
***@'s password:
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC

Any help would be appreciated!


Sent from my iPad
Alan McKinnon
2015-02-14 08:23:18 UTC
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing any configs.
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to function. That did work.
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>

will give debug output so you can see what's going on.

Looks like you have Junipers, so use

jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite obvious
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Ryan Milton
2015-02-14 17:44:02 UTC
That is what I thought would debug, however, this is the output I get:

***@FP-RANCID:~$ rancid -d
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
***@FP-RANCID:~$* jrancid -d*
jrancid: command not found
***@FP-RANCID:~$* /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid -d*
-bash: /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid: No such file or directory
***@FP-RANCID:~$ cd /usr/local/rancid/bin
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/bin$ jrancid -d
jrancid: command not found
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/bin$ jrancid -d

Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Ryan Milton
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing any
Post by Ryan Milton
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to
function. That did work.
Post by Ryan Milton
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>
will give debug output so you can see what's going on.
Looks like you have Junipers, so use
jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite obvious
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Antonio Querubin
2015-02-14 18:03:08 UTC
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
Try 'rancid -t juniper -d'

Antonio Querubin
e-mail: ***@lavanauts.org
xmpp: ***@gmail.com
Ryan Milton
2015-02-14 18:22:27 UTC
Hi Antonio,

So I ran this against two junipers, one that has super-user ( and
one that has specific allow-commands. Below are the results.

My logs still don't show anything in them, nor are there configurations
One thing I've noticed in my setup, is that I have these two folder
structures, which seems like its duplicating something...confusing the
application, I'm not sure.

***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var$ ls -al
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 5 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 9 13:15 ..
drwxrwxr-x 4 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 CVS
drwxr-x--- 4 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 14 13:00 fareportal
drwxr-x--- 2 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 14 13:00 logs

***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var$ cd fareportal/
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/fareportal$ ls -al
total 32
drwxr-x--- 4 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 14 13:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 ..
drwxr-x--- 3 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 configs
drwxr-x--- 2 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:53 CVS
-rw-r----- 1 rancid rancid 47 Feb 13 11:53 .cvsignore
-rw-r----- 1 rancid rancid 88 Feb 13 11:45 router.db
-rw-r----- 1 rancid rancid 86 Feb 14 13:00 routers.all
-rw-r----- 1 rancid rancid 86 Feb 14 13:00 routers.down
-rw-r----- 1 rancid rancid 0 Feb 14 13:00 routers.up

***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS$ ls
CVSROOT fareportal
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS$ ls -al
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 4 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:26 ..
drwxrwxr-x 3 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 11:53 CVSROOT
drwxrwxr-x 3 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 14 13:00 fareportal
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS$ cd fareportal/
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/fareportal$ ls
configs router.db,v
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/fareportal$ cd configs/
***@FP-RANCID:/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/fareportal/configs$ ls -al
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 13 18:30 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 rancid rancid 4096 Feb 14 13:00 ..

***@FP-RANCID:~$ rancid -t juniper -d
loadtype: device type juniper
loadtype: found device type juniper in
executing jlogin -t 120 -c"show chassis clocks;show chassis
environment;show chassis firmware;show chassis fpc detail;show chassis
hardware detail;show chassis hardware models;show chassis
routing-engine;show chassis scb;show chassis sfm detail;show chassis
ssb;show chassis feb detail;show chassis feb;show chassis cfeb;show chassis
alarms;show system license;show system boot-messages;show system
core-dumps;show version detail;show configuration"
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis clocks
In ShowChassisClocks: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis clocks
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis environment
In ShowChassisEnvironment: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis firmware
In ShowChassisFirmware: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis firmware
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis fpc detail
In ShowChassisFpcDetail: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis fpc detail
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis hardware detail
In ShowChassisHardware: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis hardware
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis hardware models
In ShowChassisHardware: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis hardware
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis routing-engine
In ShowChassisRoutingEngine: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis scb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis scb
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis sfm detail
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis sfm detail
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis ssb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis ssb
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis feb detail
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis feb detail
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis feb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis feb
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis cfeb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis cfeb
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis alarms
In ShowChassisAlarms: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show chassis alarms
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system license
In ShowSystemLicense: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system license
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system boot-messages
In ShowSystemBootMessages: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system core-dumps
In ShowSystemCoreDumps: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show system core-dumps
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show version detail
In ShowVersion: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show version detail
HIT COMMAND:***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show configuration
In ShowConfiguration: ***@EX-NYCorp-Core> show configuration
***@FP-RANCID:~$ rancid -t juniper -d
loadtype: device type juniper
loadtype: found device type juniper in
executing jlogin -t 120 -c"show chassis clocks;show chassis
environment;show chassis firmware;show chassis fpc detail;show chassis
hardware detail;show chassis hardware models;show chassis
routing-engine;show chassis scb;show chassis sfm detail;show chassis
ssb;show chassis feb detail;show chassis feb;show chassis cfeb;show chassis
alarms;show system license;show system boot-messages;show system
core-dumps;show version detail;show configuration"
PROMPT MATCH: ***@Distribution_North>
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis clocks
In ShowChassisClocks: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis clocks
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis environment
In ShowChassisEnvironment: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis firmware
In ShowChassisFirmware: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis firmware
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis fpc detail
In ShowChassisFpcDetail: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis fpc
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis hardware detail
In ShowChassisHardware: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis
hardware detail
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis hardware models
In ShowChassisHardware: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis
hardware models
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis routing-engine
In ShowChassisRoutingEngine: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis scb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis scb
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis sfm detail
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis sfm detail
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis ssb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis ssb
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis feb detail
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis feb detail
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis feb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis feb
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis cfeb
In ShowChassisSCB: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis cfeb
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show chassis alarms
In ShowChassisAlarms: ***@Distribution_North> show chassis alarms
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show system license
In ShowSystemLicense: ***@Distribution_North> show system license
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show system boot-messages
In ShowSystemBootMessages: ***@Distribution_North> show system
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show system core-dumps
In ShowSystemCoreDumps: ***@Distribution_North> show system
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show version detail
In ShowVersion: ***@Distribution_North> show version detail
HIT COMMAND:***@Distribution_North> show configuration
In ShowConfiguration: ***@Distribution_North> show configuration
ERROR: configuration appears truncated. End of run not found End of run not found

Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Antonio Querubin
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
Try 'rancid -t juniper -d'
Antonio Querubin
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Alan McKinnon
2015-02-14 19:35:59 UTC
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
jrancid: command not found
-bash: /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid: No such file or directory
jrancid: command not found
Those are Unix errors, you are not giving the correct path to the
jrancid executable. You need to find it and provide that directory path
Post by Ryan Milton
Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing
any configs.
Post by Ryan Milton
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to
function. That did work.
Post by Ryan Milton
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>
will give debug output so you can see what's going on.
Looks like you have Junipers, so use
jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite obvious
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Alan McKinnon
Ryan Milton
2015-02-16 19:15:25 UTC
I deleted the directories, re-ran /usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs

This successfully created the directories again.

I know that the jrancid or jerancid is run from /usr/local/rancid/bin/

after recreating the directories that end up:

/usr/local/rancid/var/networking/ (from rancid-cvs)

I test with bin/jlogin


I test with bin/rancid-run

I get noting in the log but a start and an end time. In the past,
rancid-run takes some time. This time it just flashes.

I'm feeling stumped on this...

Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Alan McKinnon
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
jrancid: command not found
-bash: /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid: No such file or directory
jrancid: command not found
Those are Unix errors, you are not giving the correct path to the
jrancid executable. You need to find it and provide that directory path
Post by Ryan Milton
Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing
any configs.
Post by Ryan Milton
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to
function. That did work.
Post by Ryan Milton
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>
will give debug output so you can see what's going on.
Looks like you have Junipers, so use
jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite
Post by Ryan Milton
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Alan McKinnon
Daniel Tuecks
2015-02-17 01:27:28 UTC
Hey Ryan,

if jlogin is working check your router.db just to make sure your device is
in there and you are using the correct syntax (delimiter in router.db
changed from ":" to ";" in rancid 3.0+).

Post by Ryan Milton
I deleted the directories, re-ran /usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs
This successfully created the directories again.
I know that the jrancid or jerancid is run from /usr/local/rancid/bin/
/usr/local/rancid/var/networking/ (from rancid-cvs)
I test with bin/jlogin
I test with bin/rancid-run
I get noting in the log but a start and an end time. In the past,
rancid-run takes some time. This time it just flashes.
I'm feeling stumped on this...
Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Alan McKinnon
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
jrancid: command not found
-bash: /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid: No such file or directory
jrancid: command not found
Those are Unix errors, you are not giving the correct path to the
jrancid executable. You need to find it and provide that directory path
Post by Ryan Milton
Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be capturing
any configs.
Post by Ryan Milton
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs to
function. That did work.
Post by Ryan Milton
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>
will give debug output so you can see what's going on.
Looks like you have Junipers, so use
jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite
Post by Ryan Milton
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Ryan Milton
2015-02-17 21:18:43 UTC
I think that may be what the issue was.

Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Daniel Tuecks
Hey Ryan,
if jlogin is working check your router.db just to make sure your device is
in there and you are using the correct syntax (delimiter in router.db
changed from ":" to ";" in rancid 3.0+).
Post by Ryan Milton
I deleted the directories, re-ran /usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs
This successfully created the directories again.
I know that the jrancid or jerancid is run from /usr/local/rancid/bin/
/usr/local/rancid/var/networking/ (from rancid-cvs)
I test with bin/jlogin
I test with bin/rancid-run
I get noting in the log but a start and an end time. In the past,
rancid-run takes some time. This time it just flashes.
I'm feeling stumped on this...
Ryan Douglass Milton
Post by Alan McKinnon
Post by Ryan Milton
loadtype(): device_type is empty
Couldn't load device type spec for
jrancid: command not found
-bash: /usr/local/rancid/bin/jrancid: No such file or directory
jrancid: command not found
Those are Unix errors, you are not giving the correct path to the
jrancid executable. You need to find it and provide that directory path
Post by Ryan Milton
Ryan Douglass Milton
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 3:23 AM, Alan McKinnon <
Post by Ryan Milton
Hi all,
I'm getting slowly closer to my goal...
Rancid IS running...however, it seems that it may NOT be
Post by Ryan Milton
any configs.
Post by Ryan Milton
My original problem had been that I couldn't get the rancid-cvs
Post by Ryan Milton
function. That did work.
Post by Ryan Milton
running rancid v 3.1
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run or
/usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run -r
starting: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
ending: Fri Feb 13 19:16:47 EST 2015
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid
--- JUNOS 12.3R8.7 built 2014-09-19 15:47:21 UTC
rancid -d <hostname>
will give debug output so you can see what's going on.
Looks like you have Junipers, so use
jrancid for those instead. In either event, it's usually quite
Post by Ryan Milton
where the problem lies once you get proper debug output
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Alan McKinnon
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Rancid-discuss mailing list