[rancid] Use rancid to back up the CTS logs
2010-10-16 06:52:47 UTC
Hello ,

I need your help .I have read the forum and didn't find anything about Cisco
CTS boxes.

I would like to adapt rancid/cvs to backup the logs of a Cisco CTSxxxx
because even if it is a cisco box, it is unable to send its logs to a syslog
server . The only way is to ssh in the box , and type a "file view" command
and as there is no "term length 0 " command , you need to enter " " until
the last page. So :

1) I have to use ssh

2) there is no enable password

3) the prompt is admin:

4) the command to get the logs is :

file view log sysop/sysop00001.log

5) you need to enter a "space" to go to the next screen when you have the
message :

More data : enter, space, b, s, e or q

loop until you get :

End of file : b, s, or q

then you need to type "q" to go back to the prompt "admin:"

then type quit to exit the box

I have updated the .cloginrc file to use ssh with noenable password : ok

I have added an entry in the file rancid-fe to use ctsrancid for this box :

I have copied clogin to ctslogin and rancid to ctsrancid

I have removed the cisco commands and added my command in the ctsrancid file

Could someone help me as I don't know where to change the "prompt", the
"More" ad the "End of file" in the ctslogin file

There is only one command to type and the output doesn't need to be
formatted ( I just want to see the logs) .

It should be nice to have a template with some variables to set with the
different prompts

I have the "exploring expect guide" and I try to understand but , not so
easy for me.

I don't know what is the rancid version we use in Ubuntu .

ls -l /var/lib/rancid/bin shows 2009-08-20 .

Thank you for any help

