[rancid] Usage of -f and "End of run not found"
Mark Douglas
2012-09-29 00:54:07 UTC
I've got a server that is already collecting configs from Cisco switches
and routers and I'd like to avoid using clogin (another list to manage when
provisioning, plain text passwords, et cetera). As the configs are already
there, I was hoping to just run rancid with the -f command against them and
make magic happen.

Unfortunately, I seem to be missing something. Every time I run rancid with
-f, I get "missed cmd(s)" with the full list of commands from the perl
script, and "End of run not found." I've confirmed that the scripts
themselves seem to work directly against the devices by temporarily setting
up a clogin entry. However, even when trying to use the .new file generated
by clogin rancid bails with the same errors.

Am I missing something entirely? I've spent the last 6-ish hours scouring
google and the mailman archives for some clue, but it seems like I'm the
only one having this issue or trying to do things this way. Any help

Rancid 2.3.6

Full output from -d run:

[***@rhel ~]$ rancid -d -f switch-test
opening file switch-test
switch-test: missed cmd(s): dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp
chassis-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr
chassis,dir /all sec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all
sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show
install active,show bootvar,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all
sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,show flash,dir /all
sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all
harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all
slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more
system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,show idprom
backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write
term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all
harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all
slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all
nvram:,show version,show vlan-switch,show redundancy secondary,show
running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
switch-test: missed cmd(s): dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp
chassis-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr
chassis,dir /all sec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all
sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show
install active,show bootvar,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all
sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,show flash,dir /all
sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all
harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all
slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more
system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,show idprom
backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write
term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all
harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all
slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all
nvram:,show version,show vlan-switch,show redundancy secondary,show
running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
switch-test: End of run not found
switch-test: End of run not found
[***@rhel ~]$
