[rancid] PFSense Scripts
Nick Buraglio
2011-06-26 19:09:24 UTC
Has anyone looked at the pfSense add-on scripts in recent history? I
don't believe these actually work (at least for pfSense 2.0). Has
anyone used them against a 1.2.x machine?
the scripts exist here: ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/contrib/

It appears as if the expect is just a bit off, login works but not
completely and I suspect it's just a minor tweak. I'm going to take a
look at making it work when I get a chance unless someone else is
working on it already or has it done (please?). Is anyone else
looking at it?

Nick Buraglio
2011-06-26 20:11:45 UTC
In looking into this a bit, it appears that this is just a simple
prompt issue. The prompt in 2.0 is much different. To make this work
(and since I'm pretty awful at regex), I simply created a user on my
2.0 system (I just called it rancid) and changed the prompt in the
.tcshrc to match the old prompt. The .tcshrc now reads

set prompt="# "
set autologout="0"
set autolist set color set colorcat
setenv CLICOLOR "true"
setenv LSCOLORS "exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"

I can confirm that this works using the scripts from
Has anyone looked at the pfSense add-on scripts in recent history?  I
don't believe these actually work (at least for pfSense 2.0).  Has
anyone used them against a 1.2.x machine?
the scripts exist here: ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/contrib/
It appears as if the expect is just a bit off, login works but not
completely and I suspect it's just a minor tweak.  I'm going to take a
look at making it work when I get a chance unless someone else is
working on it already or has it done (please?).  Is anyone else
looking at it?
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