1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Q. I am renaming a device but would like to retain the history in CVS. How
is this done?
A. CVS does not provide a way (AFAIK) to rename files or to rename or delete
directories. The best way is to copy the CVS repository file manually
like this (disclaimer: BE VERY CAREFUL mucking around with the repository):
% su - rancid_user
% echo "new_device_name:device_type:up" >> <GROUP>/router.db
% cp -p CVS/<GROUP>/configs/old_device_name,v \
% cd <GROUP>/configs
% cvs update

where GROUP is the name of the rancid group that the device is a member of.
Once the renaming is complete, remove the old name from the router.db file
and leave the CVS clean-up of the old filename to rancid.

If one wanted to move a device to a different group and maintain the
history, the same procedure would work, substituting the new group name
appropriately and editing the router.db of both old and new groups, of

SVN provides a rename function; but we suggest that you use it's
copy function instead, and leave the clean-up of the old name
to rancid. So, you would use the copy function (proper
substitutions, of course) in place of the cp in the CVS example,
then commit the new file.

Done this for some switches. Have worked nicely (I using CVS)

Per-Olof Olsson Email: ***@chalmers.se
Chalmers tekniska högskola IT-service
Hörsalsvägen 5 412 96 Göteborg
Tel: 031/772 6738 Fax: 031/772 8680
