[rancid] Re: Alcatel Omniswitch and Rancid
Alexander Bochmann
2008-07-19 09:14:33 UTC
Yes, I'm very interesting in taking a look. Have you posted your changes
No yet, but I already promised someone else to finally
send the files out yesterday, so here we go.

The files are ologin and orancid, based on the rancid 2.3.2a7
versions. There's lots of unused code in them, as I didn't
get very far beyond tweaking my changes in. A new vendor "alcatel"
is defined in rancid-fe. It's what you use in your router.db

Things that work:

Logs into an Omniswitch via ssh (I think telnet works too, but
I can't actually remember right now - I'll check on monday) and
runs the following commands:

show configuration status
show chassis
show module
show microcode
show configuration snapshot all

Output is minimally parsed, not shure if the ProcessHistory()
parameters are used in the way they were intended.

Things that should be fixed in some way:

Currently, the prompt needs to end in the characters "->"
(which is the default I think, otherwise use session config prompt).

I had a strange problem with some older AOS versions where
rancid couldn't find the prompt, a leftover from debugging
that is that you will get a line (commented out) with the
exit command at the end of your config if your system runs
a more recent software release.

I'm not shure if I did something to the autoenable code,
so set add autoenable 1 for your alcatel systems in cloginrc
to be shure.

Need to throw out all the unused code or try to merge with the
main rancid scripts.

I hope it's of any use to you, otherwise just ask back
and I'll try help getting it to work.

