[rancid] Rancid and Nexus 5K
DAVID Sébastien
2011-05-17 08:20:51 UTC

Since one week, my rancid backup doesn't work anymore on our N5K cisco.

I have launched a debug mode and every works fine such as clogin command

***@DebCacti:~/bin$ /var/lib/rancid/bin/rancid -d n5k1-b5-std2
executing clogin -t 90 -c"show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" n5k1-b5-std2
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show version
In ShowVersion: N5K1-B5-STD2# show version
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show idprom backplane
In ShowIDprom: N5K1-B5-STD2# show idprom backplane
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show install active
In ShowInstallActive: N5K1-B5-STD2# show install active
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show env all
In ShowEnv: N5K1-B5-STD2# show env all
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show rsp chassis-info
In ShowRSP: N5K1-B5-STD2# show rsp chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show gsr chassis
In ShowGSR: N5K1-B5-STD2# show gsr chassis
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show diag chassis-info
In ShowGSR: N5K1-B5-STD2# show diag chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show boot
In ShowBoot: N5K1-B5-STD2# show boot
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show bootvar
In ShowBoot: N5K1-B5-STD2# show bootvar
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show variables boot
In ShowBoot: N5K1-B5-STD2# show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show flash
In ShowFlash: N5K1-B5-STD2# show flash
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all nvram:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all nvram:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all bootflash:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slot2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all disk2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddisk:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddisk:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddiska:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddiska:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddiskb:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all harddiskb:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sup-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sup-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sup-microcode:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sup-microcode:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavenvram:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavenvram:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavebootflash:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavebootflash:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slaveslot2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavedisk2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavesup-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all slavesup-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-nvram:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-nvram:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk0:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk0:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk1:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk1:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-slot2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk2:
In DirSlotN: N5K1-B5-STD2# dir /all sec-disk2:
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show controllers
In ShowContAll: N5K1-B5-STD2# show controllers
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show controllers cbus
In ShowContCbus: N5K1-B5-STD2# show controllers cbus
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show diagbus
In ShowDiagbus: N5K1-B5-STD2# show diagbus
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show diag
In ShowDiag: N5K1-B5-STD2# show diag
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show module
In ShowModule: N5K1-B5-STD2# show module
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show spe version
In ShowSpeVersion: N5K1-B5-STD2# show spe version
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show c7200
In ShowC7200: N5K1-B5-STD2# show c7200
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show inventory raw
In ShowInventory: N5K1-B5-STD2# show inventory raw
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show vtp status
In ShowVTP: N5K1-B5-STD2# show vtp status
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show vlan
In ShowVLAN: N5K1-B5-STD2# show vlan
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show vlan-switch
In ShowVLAN: N5K1-B5-STD2# show vlan-switch
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show debug
In ShowDebug: N5K1-B5-STD2# show debug
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# more system:running-config
In WriteTerm: N5K1-B5-STD2# more system:running-config
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# show running-config
In WriteTerm: N5K1-B5-STD2# show running-config
HIT COMMAND:N5K1-B5-STD2# write term
In WriteTerm: N5K1-B5-STD2# write term
n5k1-b5-std2: missed cmd(s): show redundancy secondary
n5k1-b5-std2: missed cmd(s): show redundancy secondary
But when my cron try to backup it , I have the following error :
n5k1-b5-std2: missed cmd(s): show redundancy secondary
Getting missed routers: round 2.
n5k1-b5-std2 clogin error: Error: Check your passwd for n5k1-b5-std2
Thanks for your help
Ryan West
2011-05-17 12:52:12 UTC
Subject: [rancid] Rancid and Nexus 5K
Since one week, my rancid backup doesn't work anymore on our N5K cisco.
I have launched a debug mode and every works fine such as clogin command
Have you tried nxrancid (cisco-nx) instead?

