[rancid] Issue with Cisco 6500
Shane Ronan
2014-03-27 00:49:13 UTC
I have a strange issue with some 6500’s that I am hoping someone here can help me explain.

When I run “clogin -t 90 -c"show version”” it logs in correctly, the banner passes, it goes to a command line, and clogin issues “terminal length 0” at which point the switch stops responding and eventually times out.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Shane Ronan, Vice President – Technology Architect
State Street Global Exchange | 600 College Road East | Princeton, NJ 08540
P (212) 259-3023 | M (347) 413-4503


John Heasley
2014-03-27 04:36:02 UTC
I have a strange issue with some 6500’s that I am hoping someone here can help me explain.
When I run “clogin -t 90 -c"show version”” it logs in correctly, the banner passes, it goes to a command line, and clogin issues “terminal length 0” at which point the switch stops responding and eventually times out.
Possibly you have > or # in your banner?
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Shane Ronan, Vice President – Technology Architect
State Street Global Exchange | 600 College Road East | Princeton, NJ 08540
P (212) 259-3023 | M (347) 413-4503
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