[rancid] rancid and cvsweb - i can´t see my cvs repositories
Alexandre Teixeira Azevedo
2012-07-30 15:08:54 UTC
Hi, IŽve installed rancid in may computer and runs ok, and now iŽve installed the cvsweb but i canŽt see my configs. I checked the permisssions and seems ok :
cd /usr/local/var/rancid
ls -lt
drwxrwxrwx 6 rancid wheel 512 Jul 25 09:50 CVS
drwxr-x------ 6 rancid wheel 512 Jul 25 09:50 CISCO => my configs
 @CVSrepositories = (
'local' => ['My CVS Repository', '/home/cvs'],
'gpa' => ['gpa routers' , '/usr/local/var/rancid/CVS'],
# 'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD', '/home/ncvs'],
# 'openbsd' => ['OpenBSD', '/home/ncvs'],
# 'netbsd' => ['NetBSD', '/home/ncvs'],
# 'ruby' => ['Ruby', '/var/anoncvs/ruby'],
When i open my browser appear the page bellow  instead of my cvs repositories
"Index of /NEC
Parent Directory
In my apache configuration there is the following lines
Alias /NEC/ "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/">
AllowOverride None
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
I think that there is any configuration error in my apache , but iŽm not whatŽs wrong .
Please, I need of any help !!
