[rancid] Error: check your password
Pete DeFinis
2014-10-13 19:35:09 UTC

I'm having trouble getting RANCID to lo gin properly

WE have 4 switches with SSH only enabled and we authenticate to RADIUs. So at the SSH prompt, we have to have a username and password and the n type en to enable priv exec.

I'm having trouble configuring RANIC dot authenticate, this is what we have now: (obviously sanitized)

Add 10.5.x.x autoenable 1
add method 10.5.x.x.* ssh
add user 10.5.x.x rancidadmin
add password rancidpass

Can anyone help?

Thank you

Peter J. DeFinis
Alan McKinnon
2014-10-13 19:46:18 UTC
I’m having trouble getting RANCID to lo gin properly
WE have 4 switches with SSH only enabled and we authenticate to RADIUs.
So at the SSH prompt, we have to have a username and password and the n
type en to enable priv exec.
I’m having trouble configuring RANIC dot authenticate, this is what we
have now: (obviously sanitized)
Add 10.5.x.x autoenable 1
add method 10.5.x.x.* ssh
add user 10.5.x.x rancidadmin
add password rancidpass
Can anyone help?
Hi Peter,

What kind of errors do you get, and is it at the login stage, or the
enable stage?

If oyu run "clogin <ip address>" manually, does that work?

Lastly, what equipment is this that's giving you trouble (vendor, model,
Alan McKinnon
2014-10-13 21:03:04 UTC
Post by Pete DeFinis
I'm having trouble getting RANCID to lo gin properly
WE have 4 switches with SSH only enabled and we authenticate to RADIUs. So
at the SSH prompt, we have to have a username and password and the n type en
to enable priv exec.
I'm having trouble configuring RANIC dot authenticate, this is what we have
now: (obviously sanitized)
Add 10.5.x.x autoenable 1
add autoenable {10.5.x.x} 1
Post by Pete DeFinis
add method 10.5.x.x.* ssh
Do you still have some telnet only devices? I prefer everything does
ssh except for these few devices - eg:

add method (10.5.x.y} {telnet}
add method (10.5.x.z} {telnet}
add method * {ssh}
Post by Pete DeFinis
add user 10.5.x.x rancidadmin
add password rancidpass
fixing the autoenable syntax might be all you need, but having the
enablePassword won't hurt
add password {rancidpass} {rancidpass}

Post by Pete DeFinis
Can anyone help?
Thank you
Peter J. DeFinis