[rancid] Howto create a backup module for rancid
Marc Guyard
2008-06-10 09:35:33 UTC

I'm new on this list.
I've know recently rancid because i search a backup system to replace
in my office, the backup systemin bash that i has created.
I don't have find a documentation to how create a module for backup a

In fact, we work as a network and integrator and we want to have only
one software to backup.
For the network, many of appliance we use is already create in rancid
but in security appliance, nothing.

I want to see howto a module but i don't have find a documentation. Do
you know where i can find his ?
I've see wrancid who is a wrapper of rancid but i've read in the
mailinglist that wrancid don't work now this the lastest version of
rancid :(

Thanks by advance.


Jethro R Binks
2008-06-10 22:50:33 UTC
Post by Marc Guyard
I've see wrancid who is a wrapper of rancid but i've read in the
mailinglist that wrancid don't work now this the lastest version of
rancid :(
I meant to mention this earlier when it came up the other week. I have
now published my update to wrancid (now called wraprancid) at the
following location. Another list member has tried and it worked fine for


Hope this is useful,


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Jethro R Binks
Computing Officer, IT Services
University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
