[rancid] proxy-login rancid collection
2015-03-25 16:14:46 UTC
Many have asked for this and it will probably be the primary addition to
rancid 3.3, but I do not have a use for it, so although I've digested most
of the maillist discussion on the topic ('out of band access script change',
'download configs from on router through another', etc), I'm not sure that
I'd include all the relevant features, therefore i want to solicit input.

I am tempted to limit the utility to executing other login scripts, ie:
the assumption that it through a device supported by one of rancid's login
scripts, rather than an arbitrary unix command.

Please feel free to reply to me directly or to the list.
Hagen, Skye (skyeh@uidaho.edu)
2015-03-25 17:01:37 UTC
My particular need is when I have multiple contexts on a Cisco ASA. While
I can easily setup rancid to get the config for each individual context,
there is a special 'system' area that cannot be accessed directly. It can
only be accessed by logging into one of the contexts, then changing to the
system area. (This system area handles the physical interfaces, and the
allocation of these interfaces to the individual contexts.) To get from
the context to the system area is a single command, 'changeto system'. I
don't need to enter any additional credentials. The prompt will also

I am using the 'usercmd' patch to accomplish this now, in rancid 2.3.6.
Here is what my .cloginrc looks like:

# Backup system context
# 'asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu' is just a name for rancid. No DNS or
address is needed.
# The magic happens one line below: login to asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu
via {clogin} for {my-context-enabled-device}
# When logged in, change to system context and backup
add method asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu {usercmd}
add usercmd asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu {clogin}
add usercmd_chat asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu {#} {changeto system\r} {#}
{terminal pager 0\r}

The router.db files looks like:

asa1-system.its.uidaho.edu:cisco:up:System Context, Added by me on
asa1-accessfw.its.uidaho.edu:cisco:up:Added by me on 7-16-2014

Here is the output showing the prompts and responses.

[***@netman-collect rancid]$ ssh ***@asa1-accessfw
Warning: Permanently added 'asa1-accessfw,' (RSA) to the
list of known hosts.
***@asa1-accessfw's password:
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
lib-asa1/ACCESSFW/act/pri> en
Password: *********
lib-asa1/ACCESSFW/act/pri# changeto system

Hope this helps, Skye.
Post by heasley
Many have asked for this and it will probably be the primary addition to
rancid 3.3, but I do not have a use for it, so although I've digested most
of the maillist discussion on the topic ('out of band access script change',
'download configs from on router through another', etc), I'm not sure that
I'd include all the relevant features, therefore i want to solicit input.
the assumption that it through a device supported by one of rancid's login
scripts, rather than an arbitrary unix command.
Please feel free to reply to me directly or to the list.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
2015-03-26 16:13:04 UTC
Post by Hagen, Skye (***@uidaho.edu)
My particular need is when I have multiple contexts on a Cisco ASA. While

Fantastic; I'd missed this use-case. Thanks.
Post by Hagen, Skye (***@uidaho.edu)
lib-asa1/ACCESSFW/act/pri# changeto system
Is this prompt format something that you have configured or a default?
Hagen, Skye (skyeh@uidaho.edu)
2015-03-26 16:25:33 UTC
This prompt is configurable via the 'prompt' command. Here is what ours is
set to:

prompt hostname context state priority

Here is the complete list of options for the 'prompt' command:

lib-asa1/act/pri(config)# prompt ?
configure mode commands/options:
cluster-unit Display the cluster unit name in the session prompt
context Display the context in the session prompt (multimode only)
domain Display the domain in the session prompt
hostname Display the hostname in the session prompt
priority Display the priority in the session prompt
state Display the traffic passing state in the session prompt
lib-asa1/act/pri(config)# prompt

Post by heasley
Post by Hagen, Skye (***@uidaho.edu)
My particular need is when I have multiple contexts on a Cisco ASA. While
Fantastic; I'd missed this use-case. Thanks.
Post by Hagen, Skye (***@uidaho.edu)
lib-asa1/ACCESSFW/act/pri# changeto system
Is this prompt format something that you have configured or a default?