[rancid] rancid with svn
Andrew Meyer
2015-09-28 13:33:13 UTC
I was able to setup Ranicd with SVN however I added a new device and made a
few changes to my own hardware and I don't see the updates reflecting in in

Anyone else have this problem?

Andrew Meyer
Alan McKinnon
2015-09-28 13:58:55 UTC
Post by Andrew Meyer
I was able to setup Ranicd with SVN however I added a new device and
made a few changes to my own hardware and I don't see the updates
reflecting in in websvn.
Anyone else have this problem?
You have misconfigured your software and there are many ways yu can ge
this wrong.

Please supply lots more information, minimally your config, relevant
file permissions and logs
Alan McKinnon
Andrew Meyer
2015-09-29 01:56:54 UTC
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2015-09-29 15:52:57 UTC
Post by Andrew Meyer
# rancid 2.3.8
please move to 3.2.
Post by Andrew Meyer
$ cat NetworkDevices.20150928.200000starting: Mon Sep 28 20:00:00 CDT 2015
hourly config diffs failed: /tmp/.NetworkDevices.run.lock exists-rw-r-----  1 rancid  wheel  0 Aug 20 09:30 /tmp/.NetworkDevices.run.lock
ending: Mon Sep 28 20:00:00 CDT 2015$
correct this first. this lock is stale or there is a hung process.