[rancid] [PATCH] Fortinet RANCID Patches
Daniel G. Epstein
2007-05-23 00:04:34 UTC
Greetings all,

I recently had a need to get rancid-2.3.2a6 working with a set of
reasonably current Fortinet devices (running FortiOS 2.8 and 3.0). To do
this, I hacked together the attached patches to 'rancid-fe', 'nlogin'
(now 'fnlogin'), and 'fnrancid'. Work was done on a Debian Etch system
with a patched version of expect-5.43 and rancid-2.3.2a6.

Please note that a) I make no claims to be an outstanding programmer,
b) this was my first go with Tk/expect, and c) I have not had (nor will
I have) opportunity for widespread testing of these patches against
Fortinet hardware. If one uses these patches, it is at the user's own
risk. Comments/corrections are more than welcome.


A boast of "I have beens," | Daniel G. Epstein
quoted from foolscap tomes, | Audio Engineer
is a shadow brushed away |
by an acorn from an oak tree | Rootlike Technologies, Inc.
or a salmon in a pool. | http://www.rootlike.com/

GnuPG public keys available from http://pgp.mit.edu/
Daniel G. Epstein
2007-05-23 00:50:19 UTC
Oops, missed a typo in the fnlogin.diff file. Corrected version
A boast of "I have beens," | Daniel G. Epstein
quoted from foolscap tomes, | Audio Engineer
is a shadow brushed away |
by an acorn from an oak tree | Rootlike Technologies, Inc.
or a salmon in a pool. | http://www.rootlike.com/

GnuPG public keys available from http://pgp.mit.edu/