1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
# This routine parses "show license *"
sub ShowLicense {
print STDERR " In ShowLicense: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

/^-+$/ && next; # Skip lines of all dashes.
s/ Grace .+$/ Grace/; # Drop anything after Grace.
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","", "!LIC: $_");

# This routine parses "show system redundancy status"
sub ShowRedundancy {
print STDERR " In ShowRedundancy: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

s/ +$//; # Drop trailing ' '
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Red: $_");

# This routine parses "show environment"
sub ShowEnv {
print STDERR " In ShowEnv: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
if (/^$prompt/) { last; };
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

s/ +$//; # Drop trailing ' '
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Env: $_");

# This routine parses "show environment temperature"
sub ShowEnvTemp {
print STDERR " In ShowEnvTemp: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
if (/^$prompt/) { last};
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

# Cut out CurTemp - drop the 2nd to last field.
#Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status
# (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)
#5 Outlet1 (s1) 125 125 33 Ok
#5 QEng1Sn1(s10) 115 105 39 Ok

s/ +$//; # Drop trailing ' '
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Env: $_");

# This routine parses "show environment power"
sub ShowEnvPower {
print STDERR " In ShowEnvPower: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
if (/^$prompt/) { last};
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

# Cut out Actual Output/Draw.
#Power Actual Total
#Supply Model Output Capacity Status
# (Watts ) (Watts )
#------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------
#1 ------------ 0 W 0 W Absent
#3 749 W 5480 W Ok
# Actual Power
#Module Model Draw Allocated Status
# (Watts ) (Watts )
#------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------
#2 NURBURGRING N/A 573 W Powered-Up
#fan1 N/A 720 W Powered-Up
s/ Actual / /;
s/ Output / /;
s/ \(Watts \) / /;
s/ Draw / /;
s/ ----------- / /;
s/ N\/A / / ||
s/ \d+ W / /; # Does not chop enough to line up.

/actual draw/ && next; # Drop changing total power output.

s/ +$//; # Drop trailing ' '
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Env: $_");

# This routine parses "show boot"
sub ShowBoot {
print STDERR " In ShowBoot: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /^\s*\^\s*$/;
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if /Ambiguous command/i;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

s/ variable = / = /;
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Variable: $_");

# This routine parses "dir /all ((disk|slot)N|bootflash|nvram):"
sub DirSlotN {
print STDERR " In DirSlotN: $_" if ($debug);

my($dev) = (/\s([^\s]+):/);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /^\s*\^\s*$/;
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(1) if /(No such device|Error Sending Request)/i;
return(1) if /\%Error: No such file or directory/;
return(1) if /No space information available/;
return(1) if / is either not present or not formatted/;
return(-1) if /\%Error calling/;
return(-1) if /(: device being squeezed|ATA_Status time out)/i; # busy
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);
return(1) if /(Open device \S+ failed|Error opening \S+:)/;

if (/^\s*(\d+) bytes /) {
my($tmp) = int($1 / (1024 * 1024));
s/$1 bytes /$tmp MB /;

ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Flash: $dev: $_");

# This routine parses "show module".
sub ShowModule {
print STDERR " In ShowModule: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
return if (/^\s*\^$/);
last if (/online diag status/i);
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^\s*$cmd\s*$/);
return(1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

s/(.*) \*$/$1/; # Drop a trailing '*'
/^\* this terminal session/ && next;
s/ +$//; # Drop trailing ' '
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!Mod: $_");


# This routine parses "show inventory".
sub ShowInventory {
print STDERR " In ShowInventory: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
return if (/^\s*\^$/);
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

if (/^(NAME: "[^"]*",)\s+(DESCR: "[^"]+")/) {
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","", sprintf("!%-30s %s\n", $1, $2));
# split PID/VID/SN line
if (/^PID: (\S*)\s*,\s+VID: (\S*)\s*,\s+SN: (\S*)\s*$/) {
my($entries) = "";
$entries .= "!PID: $1\n" if ($1);
$entries .= "!VID: $2\n" if ($2);
$entries .= "!SN: $3\n" if ($3);
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","", "$entries");
# split broken PID/VID/SN lines.
if (/^PID: (\S*)\s*,\s+VID: (\S*)\s*$/) {
my($entries) = "";
$entries .= "!PID: $1\n" if ($1);
$entries .= "!VID: $2\n" if ($2);
/^\s*,\s+SN: (\S*)\s*$/;
$entries .= "!SN: $1\n" if ($1);
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","", "$entries");


# This routine parses "show vtp status"
sub ShowVTP {
print STDERR " In ShowVTP: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /^\s*\^\s*$/;
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);
next if (/^Configuration last modified by/);
# the pager can not be disabled per-session on the PIX
if (/^(<-+ More -+>)/) {
my($len) = length($1);

if (/^VTP Operating Mode\s+:\s+(Transparent|Server)/) {
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!VTP: $_");

# This routine parses "show vlan"
sub ShowVLAN {
print STDERR " In ShowVLAN: $_" if ($debug);

($_ = <INPUT>, return(1)) if (!$DO_SHOW_VLAN);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /^\s*\^\s*$/;
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(1) if /Ambiguous command/i;
# newer releases (~12.1(9)) place the vlan config in the normal
# configuration (write term).
return(1) if ($type =~ /^(3550|4500)$/);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);
# the pager can not be disabled per-session on the PIX
if (/^(<-+ More -+>)/) {
my($len) = length($1);

ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!VLAN: $_");

# This routine parses "show debug"
sub ShowDebug {
print STDERR " In ShowDebug: $_" if ($debug);
my($lines) = 0;

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

/^No matching debug flags set$/ && next;
/^No debug flags set$/ && next;
ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!DEBUG: $_");
if ($lines) {

# This routine parses "show cores"
sub ShowCores {
print STDERR " In ShowCores: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!CORES: $_");

# This routine parses "show processes log"
sub ShowProcLog {
print STDERR " In ShowProcLog: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","","","!PROC_LOGS: $_");

# This routine processes a "write term"
sub WriteTerm {
print STDERR " In WriteTerm: $_" if ($debug);
my($lineauto,$comment,$linecnt) = (0,0,0);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if (/(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/i);
return(-1) if (/\% Invalid command at /);
return(0) if ($found_end); # Only do this routine once
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);

# /Non-Volatile memory is in use/ && return(-1); # NvRAM is locked
$lineauto = 0 if (/^[^ ]/);
# # skip the crap
# if (/^(##+$|(Building|Current) configuration)/i) {
# while (<INPUT>) {
# next if (/^Current configuration\s*:/i);
# next if (/^:/);
# next if (/^([%!].*|\s*)$/);
# next if (/^ip add.*ipv4:/); # band-aid for 3620 12.0S
# last;
# }
# if (defined($config_register)) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!\nconfig-register $config_register\n");
# }
# tr/\015//d;
# }
# # some versions have other crap mixed in with the bits in the
# # block above
# /^! (Last configuration|NVRAM config last)/ && next;

# # skip consecutive comment lines to avoid oscillating extra comment
# # line on some access servers. grrr.
# if (/^!/) {
# next if ($comment);
# ProcessHistory("","","",$_);
# $comment++;
# next;
# }
# $comment = 0;

# Dog gone Cool matches to process the rest of the config
/^!Command: show running-config/ && next; # kill this junk
/^!Time: / && next; # kill this junk
# /^tftp-server flash / && next; # kill any tftp remains
# /^ntp clock-period / && next; # kill ntp clock-period
# /^ length / && next; # kill length on serial lines
# /^ width / && next; # kill width on serial lines
# $lineauto = 1 if /^ modem auto/;
# /^ speed / && $lineauto && next; # kill speed on serial lines
# /^ clockrate / && next; # kill clockrate on serial interfaces
# if (/^(enable )?(password|passwd)( level \d+)? / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("ENABLE","","","!$1$2$3 <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^(enable secret) / && $filter_pwds >= 2) {
# ProcessHistory("ENABLE","","","!$1 <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^username (\S+)(\s.*)? secret /) {
# if ($filter_pwds >= 2) {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$1","!username $1$2 secret <removed>\n");
# } else {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$1","$_");
# }
# next;
# }
# Sort username and delete passwords.
if (/^username (\S+) password (\d) (\S+)(\s.*)$/) {
if ($filter_pwds >= 2) {
ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$1","!username $1 password <removed>$4\n");
} elsif ($filter_pwds >= 1 && $2 ne "5") {
ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$1","!username $1 password <removed>$4\n");
} else {
# Sort any other username info.
/^username (\S+) .*$/ && ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# Sort snmp user and delete passwords.
if (/^snmp-server user (\S+) (\S+) auth md5 (\S+) priv (\S+) localizedkey$/) {
if ($filter_pwds >= 2) {
ProcessHistory("SNMP-USER","keysort","$1","!snmp-server user $1 $2 auth md5 <removed> priv <removed> localizedkey\n");
} else {
# Sort any other snmp user info.
/^snmp-server user (\S+) .*$/ && ProcessHistory("SNMP-USER","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# Delete bgp passwords.
if (/^(\s*)password (\d) (\S+)(\s.*)?$/) {
if ($filter_pwds >= 2) {
ProcessHistory("","","","!$1password <removed>$4");
} elsif ($filter_pwds >= 1 && $2 ne "5") {
ProcessHistory("","","","!$1password <removed>$4");
} else {
# # cisco AP w/ IOS
# if (/^(wlccp \S+ username (\S+)(\s.*)? password) (\d \S+|\S+)/) {
# if ($filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$2","!$1 <removed>\n");
# } else {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$2","$_");
# }
# next;
# }
# if (/^( set session-key (in|out)bound ah \d+ )/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1<removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^( set session-key (in|out)bound esp \d+ (authenticator|cypher) )/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1<removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^(\s*)password / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("LINE-PASS","","","!$1password <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^(\s*)secret / && $filter_pwds >= 2) {
# ProcessHistory("LINE-PASS","","","!$1secret <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^\s*neighbor (\S*) password / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","! neighbor $1 password <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# if (/^(ppp .* password) 7 .*/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# if (/^(ip ftp password) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# if (/^( ip ospf authentication-key) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# # isis passwords appear to be completely plain-text
# if (/^\s+isis password (\S+)( .*)?/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!isis password <removed>$2\n"); next;
# }
# if (/^\s+(domain-password|area-password) (\S+)( .*)?/
# && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>$3\n"); next;
# }
# # this is reversable, despite 'md5' in the cmd
# if (/^( ip ospf message-digest-key \d+ md5) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# # this is also reversable, despite 'md5 encrypted' in the cmd
# if (/^( message-digest-key \d+ md5 (7|encrypted)) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# if (/^((crypto )?isakmp key) \S+ / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed> $'"); next;
# }
# # filter HSRP passwords
# if (/^(\s+standby \d+ authentication) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# # this appears in "measurement/sla" images
# if (/^(\s+key-string \d?)/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# if (/^( l2tp tunnel \S+ password)/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# # i am told these are plain-text on the PIX
# if (/^(vpdn username (\S+) password)/) {
# if ($filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$2","!$1 <removed>\n");
# } else {
# ProcessHistory("USER","keysort","$2","$_");
# }
# next;
# }
# if (/^( cable shared-secret )/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n");
# next;
# }
# /fair-queue individual-limit/ && next;
# # sort ip explicit-paths.
# if (/^ip explicit-path name (\S+)/) {
# my($key) = $1;
# my($expath) = $_;
# while (<INPUT>) {
# tr/\015//d;
# last if (/^$prompt/);
# last if (/^$prompt/ || ! /^(ip explicit-path name |[ !])/);
# if (/^ip explicit-path name (\S+)/) {
# ProcessHistory("EXPATH","keysort","$key","$expath");
# $key = $1;
# $expath = $_;
# } else {
# $expath .= $_;
# }
# }
# ProcessHistory("EXPATH","keysort","$key","$expath");
# }
# # sort route-maps
# if (/^route-map (\S+)/) {
# my($key) = $1;
# my($routemap) = $_;
# while (<INPUT>) {
# tr/\015//d;
# last if (/^$prompt/ || ! /^(route-map |[ !])/);
# if (/^route-map (\S+)/) {
# ProcessHistory("ROUTEMAP","keysort","$key","$routemap");
# $key = $1;
# $routemap = $_;
# } else {
# $routemap .= $_;
# }
# }
# ProcessHistory("ROUTEMAP","keysort","$key","$routemap");
# }
# # filter out any RCS/CVS tags to avoid confusing local CVS storage
# s/\$(Revision|Id):/ $1:/;
# # order access-lists
# /^access-list\s+(\d\d?)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("ACL $1 $2","$aclsort","$3","$_") && next;
# # order extended access-lists
# /^access-list\s+(\d\d\d)\s+(\S+)\s+ip\s+host\s+(\S+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("EACL $1 $2","$aclsort","$3","$_") && next;
# /^access-list\s+(\d\d\d)\s+(\S+)\s+ip\s+(\d\S+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("EACL $1 $2","$aclsort","$3","$_") && next;
# /^access-list\s+(\d\d\d)\s+(\S+)\s+ip\s+any/ &&
# ProcessHistory("EACL $1 $2","$aclsort","","$_") && next;
# # order arp lists
# /^arp\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+/ &&
# ProcessHistory("ARP","$aclsort","$1","$_") && next;
# /^ip prefix-list\s+(\S+)\s+seq\s+(\d+)\s+(permit|deny)\s+(\d\S+)(\/.*)$/ &&
# ProcessHistory("PACL $1 $3","$aclsort","$4","ip prefix-list $1 $3 $4$5\n")
# && next;
# # order logging statements
# /^logging (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("LOGGING","ipsort","$1","$_") && next;
# order cli alias names
/^cli alias name (\S+) .*$/ &&
ProcessHistory("CLI-ALIAS","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# order snmp-server enable trap statements
/^snmp-server enable traps (.*)$/ &&
ProcessHistory("SNMP-TRAPS","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# # order/prune snmp-server host statements
# # we only prune lines of the form
# # snmp-server host a.b.c.d <community>
# if (/^snmp-server host (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) /) {
# if ($filter_commstr) {
# my($ip) = $1;
# my($line) = "snmp-server host $ip";
# my(@tokens) = split(' ', $');
# my($token);
# while ($token = shift(@tokens)) {
# if ($token eq 'version') {
# $line .= " " . join(' ', ($token, shift(@tokens)));
# if ($token eq '3') {
# $line .= " " . join(' ', ($token, shift(@tokens)));
# }
# } elsif ($token eq 'vrf') {
# $line .= " " . join(' ', ($token, shift(@tokens)));
# } elsif ($token =~ /^(informs?|traps?|(no)?auth)$/) {
# $line .= " " . $token;
# } else {
# $line = "!$line " . join(' ', ("<removed>", join(' ',@tokens)));
# last;
# }
# }
# ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERHOST","ipsort","$ip","$line\n");
# } else {
# ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERHOST","ipsort","$1","$_");
# }
# next;
# }
# if (/^(snmp-server community) (\S+)/) {
# if ($filter_commstr) {
# ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","keysort","$_","!$1 <removed>$'") && next;
# } else {
# ProcessHistory("SNMPSERVERCOMM","keysort","$_","$_") && next;
# }
# }
# # prune tacacs/radius server keys
# if (/^((tacacs|radius)-server\s(\w*[-\s(\s\S+])*\s?key) (\d )?\w+/
# && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>$'"); next;
# }
# # order clns host statements
# /^clns host \S+ (\S+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("CLNS","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# # order alias statements
# /^alias / && ProcessHistory("ALIAS","keysort","$_","$_") && next;
# # delete ntp auth password - this md5 is a reversable too
# if (/^(ntp authentication-key \d+ md5) / && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!$1 <removed>\n"); next;
# }
# # order ntp peers/servers
# if (/^ntp (server|peer) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
# $sortkey = sprintf("$1 %03d%03d%03d%03d",$2,$3,$4,$5);
# ProcessHistory("NTP","keysort",$sortkey,"$_");
# next;
# }
# # order ip host statements
# /^ip host (\S+) / &&
# ProcessHistory("IPHOST","keysort","$1","$_") && next;
# # order ip nat source static statements
# /^ip nat (\S+) source static (\S+)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("IP NAT $1","ipsort","$2","$_") && next;
# # order atm map-list statements
# /^\s+ip\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+atm-vc/ &&
# ProcessHistory("ATM map-list","ipsort","$1","$_") && next;
# # order ip rcmd lines
# /^ip rcmd/ && ProcessHistory("RCMD","keysort","$_","$_") && next;
# # system controller
# /^syscon address (\S*) (\S*)/ &&
# ProcessHistory("","","","!syscon address $1 <removed>\n") &&
# next;
# if (/^syscon password (\S*)/ && $filter_pwds >= 1) {
# ProcessHistory("","","","!syscon password <removed>\n");
# next;
# }

# catch anything that wasnt matched above.
# end of config. the ": " game is for the PIX
if (/^(: +)?end$/) {
$found_end = 1;
# The ContentEngine lacks a definitive "end of config" marker. If we
# know that it is a CE, SAN, or NXOS and we have seen at least 5 lines
# of write term output, we can be reasonably sure that we got the config.
if (($type == "CE" || $type == "SAN" || $type == "NXOS" ) && $linecnt > 5) {
$found_end = 1;


# This routine parses a single command that returns no required info.
sub RunCommand {
print STDERR " In RunCommand: $_" if ($debug);

while (<INPUT>) {
last if (/^$prompt/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if (/(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/i);

# dummy function
sub DoNothing {print STDOUT;}

# add these:
# show version module X - wait until can show all
# show version module X epld - wait until can show all

# Main
@commandtable = (
{'term no monitor-force' => 'RunCommand'},
{'show version' => 'ShowVersion'},
{'show version build-info all' => 'ShowVersionBuild'},
{'show license' => 'ShowLicense'},
{'show license usage' => 'ShowLicense'},
{'show license host-id' => 'ShowLicense'},
{'show system redundancy status' => 'ShowRedundancy'},
{'show environment clock' => 'ShowEnv'},
{'show environment fan' => 'ShowEnv'},
{'show environment temperature' => 'ShowEnvTemp'},
{'show environment power' => 'ShowEnvPower'},
{'show boot' => 'ShowBoot'},
{'dir bootflash:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir debug:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir logflash:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir slot0:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir usb1:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir usb2:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'dir volatile:' => 'DirSlotN'},
{'show module' => 'ShowModule'},
{'show module xbar' => 'ShowModule'},
{'show inventory' => 'ShowInventory'},
{'show vtp status' => 'ShowVTP'}, # drop?
{'show vlan' => 'ShowVLAN'},
{'show debug' => 'ShowDebug'},
{'show cores vdc-all' => 'ShowCores'},
{'show processes log vdc-all' => 'ShowProcLog'},
{'show running-config' => 'WriteTerm'},
# Use an array to preserve the order of the commands and a hash for mapping
# commands to the subroutine and track commands that have been completed.
@commands = map(keys(%$_), @commandtable);
%commands = map(%$_, @commandtable);

$cisco_cmds = join(";",@commands);
$cmds_regexp = join("|", map quotemeta($_), @commands);

if (length($host) == 0) {
if ($file) {
print(STDERR "Too few arguments: file name required\n");
} else {
print(STDERR "Too few arguments: host name required\n");
open(OUTPUT,">$host.new") || die "Can't open $host.new for writing: $!\n";
# make OUTPUT unbuffered if debugging
if ($debug) { $| = 1; }

if ($file) {
print STDERR "opening file $host\n" if ($debug);
print STDOUT "opening file $host\n" if ($log);
open(INPUT,"<$host") || die "open failed for $host: $!\n";
} else {
print STDERR "executing clogin -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($debug);
print STDOUT "executing clogin -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($log);
if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
system "clogin -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null > $host.raw 2>&1" || die "clogin failed for $host: $!\n";
open(INPUT, "< $host.raw") || die "clogin failed for $host: $!\n";
} else {
open(INPUT,"clogin -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null |") || die "clogin failed for $host: $!\n";

# determine ACL sorting mode
if ($ENV{"ACLSORT"} =~ /no/i) {
$aclsort = "";
# determine community string filtering mode
if (defined($ENV{"NOCOMMSTR"}) &&
($ENV{"NOCOMMSTR"} =~ /yes/i || $ENV{"NOCOMMSTR"} =~ /^$/)) {
$filter_commstr = 1;
} else {
$filter_commstr = 0;
# determine password filtering mode
if ($ENV{"FILTER_PWDS"} =~ /no/i) {
$filter_pwds = 0;
} elsif ($ENV{"FILTER_PWDS"} =~ /all/i) {
$filter_pwds = 2;
} else {
$filter_pwds = 1;

ProcessHistory("","","","!RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: cisco-nx\n!\n");
TOP: while(<INPUT>) {

if (/[>#]\s?exit$/) {
print STDERR ("$host: found exit\n") if ($debug);
$clean_run = 1;
if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host clogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host clogin error: $_") if ($debug);
$clean_run = 0;
while (/#\s*($cmds_regexp)\s*$/) {
$cmd = $1;
if (!defined($prompt)) {
$prompt = ($_ =~ /^([^#]+#)/)[0];
$prompt =~ s/([][}{)(\\])/\\$1/g;
print STDERR ("PROMPT MATCH: $prompt\n") if ($debug);
print STDERR ("HIT COMMAND:$_") if ($debug);
if (! defined($commands{$cmd})) {
print STDERR "$host: found unexpected command - \"$cmd\"\n";
$clean_run = 0;
last TOP;
$rval = &{$commands{$cmd}};
if ($rval == -1) {
$clean_run = 0;
print STDERR ("$host: $cmd failed: $rval\n") if ($debug);
last TOP;
if (/[>#]\s?exit$/) {
print STDERR ("$host: found exit\n") if ($debug);
$clean_run = 1;
last TOP;
print STDOUT "Done $logincmd: $_\n" if ($log);
# Flush History
# Cleanup

if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
unlink("$host.raw") if (! $debug);

# check for completeness
if (scalar(%commands) || !$clean_run || !$found_end) {
if (scalar(%commands)) {
printf(STDOUT "$host: missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands)));
printf(STDERR "$host: missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands))) if ($debug);
if (!$clean_run || !$found_end) {
print STDOUT "$host: End of run not found\n";
print STDERR "$host: End of run not found\n" if ($debug);
print STDERR "$host: clean: $clean_run, end: $found_end\n" if ($debug);
system("/usr/bin/tail -1 $host.new");
unlink "$host.new" if (! $debug);

