[rancid] timeout in mtlogin
Michael W. Lucas
2013-05-21 19:04:24 UTC

I'm migrating my rancid install to a new server.

Previously, I had a problem with timeouts it mtlogin. Heasley was kind
enough to send a patch, which worked, as discussed at:

But the new install seems to be disregarding the timeout.

I migrated to the new server by tarring up my rancid user's directory
and extracting it on the new server. New rancid install from tarball,
applying both 2.3.8 patches and the mtlogin patch from the thread
above. Copied rancid.conf from the old server to the new.

But the timeout kicks in after the usual 90 seconds, despite the
timeout in .cloginrc:

add password router-1 blahblahblah
add timeout router-1 400
add user router-1 admin+ct
add method router-1 ssh
add noenable router-1 {1}

I can run

$ time mtlogin -t 400 -c "export compact; quit" router-1
0.026u 0.047s 3:16.36 0.0% 102+9081k 0+0io 0pf+0w

and the timeout works at the command line, but not during rancid-run.

On a whim, I copied the entire /usr/local/rancid directory from the
old machine to the new. The timeout problem persists.

Could this be a problem with expect or tcl versions? The old server
runs tcl-8.5.8 and expect- The new server runs tcl-8.5.12
and expect-

Any suggestions on what else might be causing this?

Michael W. Lucas - ***@michaelwlucas.com, Twitter @mwlauthor
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/
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