[rancid] Need some Help - F5's in RANCID
Chris Moody
2011-01-31 20:28:57 UTC
I need a second set of eyes to help me figure out what I'm missing or
doing wrong.

I have a number of F5 LTM Load-Balancers that I'm trying to back up with
RANCID. The trouble I'm running into is that they were backing up
fine for a short while, but have recently stopped backing up and
continue showing the following in the logs:
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key

I've been debugging and have verified the following:
- I have valid and functioning credentials in the .cloginrc file
- I have the devices listed in a 'load-balancer' group's router.db file
with the keyword 'f5' and the flag 'up'
- I have tested the login via clogin - works fine
(I have run clogin with the '-c' command list that f5rancid
issues...and everything works fine)
- I have run f5rancid in debug mode - works fine
(when I run this I see that all the commands run and see a "HIT
COMMAND" next to every command issued)

I am running version '2.3.2' (I have plans to upgrade to '2.3.6' soon)

Anyone run into this kind of behavior with F5's?

Any insights, hints, comments or criticisms welcome.
Ryan West
2011-01-31 21:10:01 UTC

You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r <dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.


-----Original Message-----
From: rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net [mailto:rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net] On Behalf Of Chris Moody
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 3:29 PM
To: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: [rancid] Need some Help - F5's in RANCID

I need a second set of eyes to help me figure out what I'm missing or doing wrong.

I have a number of F5 LTM Load-Balancers that I'm trying to back up with
RANCID. The trouble I'm running into is that they were backing up
fine for a short while, but have recently stopped backing up and continue showing the following in the logs:
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key

I've been debugging and have verified the following:
- I have valid and functioning credentials in the .cloginrc file
- I have the devices listed in a 'load-balancer' group's router.db file with the keyword 'f5' and the flag 'up'
- I have tested the login via clogin - works fine
(I have run clogin with the '-c' command list that f5rancid issues...and everything works fine)
- I have run f5rancid in debug mode - works fine
(when I run this I see that all the commands run and see a "HIT COMMAND" next to every command issued)

I am running version '2.3.2' (I have plans to upgrade to '2.3.6' soon)

Anyone run into this kind of behavior with F5's?

Any insights, hints, comments or criticisms welcome.
john heasley
2011-01-31 21:20:21 UTC
Post by Ryan West
You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r <dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.
why? what is special about the keys?
Post by Ryan West
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 3:29 PM
Subject: [rancid] Need some Help - F5's in RANCID
I need a second set of eyes to help me figure out what I'm missing or doing wrong.
I have a number of F5 LTM Load-Balancers that I'm trying to back up with
RANCID. The trouble I'm running into is that they were backing up
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
- I have valid and functioning credentials in the .cloginrc file
- I have the devices listed in a 'load-balancer' group's router.db file with the keyword 'f5' and the flag 'up'
- I have tested the login via clogin - works fine
(I have run clogin with the '-c' command list that f5rancid issues...and everything works fine)
- I have run f5rancid in debug mode - works fine
(when I run this I see that all the commands run and see a "HIT COMMAND" next to every command issued)
I am running version '2.3.2' (I have plans to upgrade to '2.3.6' soon)
Anyone run into this kind of behavior with F5's?
Any insights, hints, comments or criticisms welcome.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Ryan West
2011-01-31 21:22:42 UTC
Post by john heasley
Post by Ryan West
You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r <dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.
why? what is special about the keys?
Wish I knew, they execute fine from command line (on F5) and even from a single rancid-run. And as Chris mentioned, it worked for a while and then stopped. A few other users I have spoken to about the problem have removed those lines and not bothered with it anymore.


How many devices are you backing up at a time? Mine is set to PAR_COUNT=12; (rancid.conf)
Post by john heasley
Post by Ryan West
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
Chris Moody
2011-01-31 21:25:44 UTC
Ideally I'd like to grab all my F5's (42) - but I've got them all
disabled except for 2 for my debugging.

I'll comment out the key listing commands and see how she runs.

Post by Ryan West
Post by john heasley
You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r<dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.
why? what is special about the keys?
Wish I knew, they execute fine from command line (on F5) and even from a single rancid-run. And as Chris mentioned, it worked for a while and then stopped. A few other users I have spoken to about the problem have removed those lines and not bothered with it anymore.
How many devices are you backing up at a time? Mine is set to PAR_COUNT=12; (rancid.conf)
Post by john heasley
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
john heasley
2011-01-31 21:33:36 UTC
Post by Ryan West
Post by john heasley
Post by Ryan West
You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r <dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.
why? what is special about the keys?
Wish I knew, they execute fine from command line (on F5) and even from a single rancid-run. And as Chris mentioned, it worked for a while and then stopped. A few other users I have spoken to about the problem have removed those lines and not bothered with it anymore.
i'm not doing perl/unix lessosn, but you seem clueful enough to try this
on your own. change NOPIPE to YES, then just before the rancid script
removes the .raw file, copy it somewhere for safe keeping. this problem
is most likely related to cron, and the .raw file may have the clues needed
to fix this.
Post by Ryan West
How many devices are you backing up at a time? Mine is set to PAR_COUNT=12; (rancid.conf)
thats shouldnt matter. they all run as separate instances.
Post by Ryan West
Post by john heasley
Post by Ryan West
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
Chris Moody
2011-02-03 00:06:56 UTC
ok - so followed John's suggestion to set the NOPIPE variable - so I'm
now generating .raw files. I've checked several of them and only see
each and every command completing perfectly. They're still marked as
'unreachable' however. Any other ideas to try? Do I need to push an
ssh key so it automatically logs in without a password or something?
I'm seriously stumped as to why it's worked a few times but then stops

Post by john heasley
Post by Ryan West
Post by john heasley
You're doing anything wrong. You'll probably find that you can 'rancid-run -r<dev name>' and have it backup properly. I would recommend getting a good backup of the keys once and then comment out the lines in the command table.
why? what is special about the keys?
Wish I knew, they execute fine from command line (on F5) and even from a single rancid-run. And as Chris mentioned, it worked for a while and then stopped. A few other users I have spoken to about the problem have removed those lines and not bothered with it anymore.
i'm not doing perl/unix lessosn, but you seem clueful enough to try this
on your own. change NOPIPE to YES, then just before the rancid script
removes the .raw file, copy it somewhere for safe keeping. this problem
is most likely related to cron, and the .raw file may have the clues needed
to fix this.
Post by Ryan West
How many devices are you backing up at a time? Mine is set to PAR_COUNT=12; (rancid.conf)
thats shouldnt matter. they all run as separate instances.
Post by Ryan West
Post by john heasley
Getting missed routers: round 4.
xxxx.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key
zzzz.yyyy.com: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.crt,ls --full-time --color=never /config/ssl/ssl.key