[rancid] Brocade 6910 Backups
James Paussa
2012-07-19 03:23:21 UTC
I am trying to get rancid working with Brocade 6910 switches. Login
works correctly however the device doesn't support skip-page-display so
I to send the a character to the device to disable the paging which I
thought I could do by adding the following to flogin around line 525 in
"proc run_commands":
-- "--- \[Space] Next page, \[Enter] Next line, \[A] All, Others to
exit ---" {
send "a"

Running 'flogin -d -t 90 -c"show running-config"', at the
moment it gets stuck at:
expect: does "--- [Space] Next page, [Enter] Next line, [A] All, Others
to exit ---" (spawn_id exp4) match regular expression
"^[^\n\r]*VLL-100#."? no
"^[^\n\r *]*VLL-100#"? no
"[\n\r]"? no
"--- [Space] Next page, [Enter] Next line, [A] All, Others to exit ---"? no
"---More---"? no
expect: timed out

I did a search and the two string are the same, I am guessing I am
missing a character I can't see, just not sure what it might be.

Kind Regards,
James Paussa.
