[rancid] problème avec cvsweb
Amara Diakité
2012-01-12 11:38:33 UTC
Bonjour All,
je viens d'installer cvsweb tout à l'air de bien marché quand je tape la page s'affiche bien avec les répertoires icons
et css.
j'ai installé rancid tout marche bien mais comment fait pour qu'on puisse
consulter les config via le cvsweb quand je tape j'ai not found the requested URL
/cgi-bin/cvsweb was not found on this server. aidez moi s'ils vous plaît.

le contenu de /etc/cvsweb.conf

# Show a form for setting options in the directory view?
$edit_option_form = 1;

# Show last changelog message for subdirectories?
# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
# touch the file even when a new version isn't checked in, and TAG
# based browsing essentially puts this out of order unless the last
# checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
#$show_subdir_lastmod = 1;

# Show CVS log when viewing file contents?
$show_log_in_markup = 1;

# Preformat when viewing file contents? This should be turned off
# when you have files in the repository that are in a multibyte
# encoding which uses HTML special characters ([<>&"]) as part of a
# multibyte character. (such as iso-2022-jp, ShiftJIS, etc.)
# Otherwise those files will get screwed up in markup.
# Note: enscript(1) highlighting is preferred over the built-in
# ie. this has no effect if $allow_enscript is true and enscript can
# the file.
#$preformat_in_markup = 1;

# Default tab width used to expand tabs to spaces in various HTMLized views.
# Note that CVSweb scans the first few lines of sources for some common
# directives controlling the tab width. It uses the value from them if
# falling back to the value of $tabstop if not. Default: 8.
#$tabstop = 4;

# If you wish to display absolute times in your local timezone,
# then define @mytz and fill in the strings for your standard and
# daylight time. Note that you must also make sure the system
# timezone is correctly set.
#@mytz=("EST", "EDT");

# CVSweb is friendly to caches by sending the HTTP Last-Modified
# header corresponding to the sent content. In the case of a
# checkout, this may require running rcslog on the file solely for the
# purpose of retrieving the timestamp to be sent. If you have a slow
# server, you may want to turn this off for a small performance gain.
$use_moddate = 1;

# Maximum number of filenames to pass to rlog(1) in one command.
# If you see "Failed to spawn GNU rlog" errors with directories containing
# lots of files, experiment by setting this to different values and see if
# the error still occurs. A good value to start from would be eg. 200.
# Just comment this out if you're not bitten by the problem.
#$file_list_len = 200;

# Allow graphical representations of file revisions and branches with
$allow_cvsgraph = $CMD{cvsgraph} ? 1 : 0;

# Path to the CvsGraph configuration file. Only used if $allow_cvsgraph
# is true. Leave this empty or comment it out to make cvsgraph(1) use its
# default configuration file. Note that CVSweb will override some of the
# settings in the configuration file with command line options, see
# doGraph() and doGraphView() in cvsweb.cgi for details.
#$cvsgraph_config = "/etc/cvsgraph.conf";

# URL to the CVSHistory script. This should be absolute (but does not need
# to include the host and port if the script is on the same server as
# CVSweb).
#$cvshistory_url = "/cgi-bin/cvshistory.cgi";

# Whether to allow downloading a tarball or a zip of the current directory.
# While downloading of the entire repository is disallowed, depending on
# the directory this may take a lot of time and disk space. For some CVS
# versions, the user account running CVSweb needs write access to
# CVSROOT/val-tags. See also the tar, gzip and zip options below.
#$allow_tar = (($CMD{tar} && $CMD{gzip}) || $CMD{zip}) ? 1 : 0;

# Options to pass to tar(1).
# For example: @tar_options = qw(--ignore-failed-read);
# GNU tar has some useful options against unexpected errors.
# Other useful options include "--owner=0" and "--group=0", see
# the tar(1) (or gtar(1)) manpage for details.
@tar_options = qw();

# Options to pass to gzip(1) when compressing a tarball to download.
# For example: @gzip_options = qw(-3);
# Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster
# compression, or higher for better compression.
@gzip_options = qw();

# Options to pass to zip(1) when compressing a zip archive to download.
# For example: @zip_options = qw(-3);
# Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster
# compression, or higher for better compression.
@zip_options = qw(-q);

# Options to pass to cvs(1).
# For cvs versions 1.11 to 1.11.6 (broken in < 1.11, removed in 1.11.7), you
# can use the '-l' option to prevent cvs from writing to the history file.
# For other cvs versions, either suppress history logging by using the
# LogHistory parameter in CVSROOT/config or make sure that the CVSweb user
# can read and write to CVSROOT/history.
# FreeBSD's and OpenBSD's cvs(1) has long since supported -R (read only
# mode) option, which considerably speeds up checkouts over NFS. For other
# platforms, the -R option and the CVSREADONLYFS environment variable are
# available in cvs >= 1.12.1. A similar effect is provided by -u on NetBSD.
@cvs_options = qw(-f);
push @cvs_options, '-R' if ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'openbsd');
push @cvs_options, '-u' if ($^O eq 'netbsd');
# Only affects cvs >= 1.12.1, but doesn't hurt older ones.

# Options to pass to the 'cvs annotate' command, usually the normal
# @cvs_options are good enough here.
# To make annotate work against a read only repository, add -n, ie.:
# @annotate_options = (@cvs_options, '-n');
@annotate_options = @cvs_options;

# Options to pass to rcsdiff(1).
# Probably the only useful one here is -q (suppress diagnostic output).
@rcsdiff_options = qw(-q);

# Enables syntax highlighting using GNU Enscript if set.
# You will need GNU Enscript version 1.6.3 or newer for this to work.
#$allow_enscript = $CMD{enscript} ? 1 : 0;

# Options to pass to enscript(1).
# Do not set the -q, --language, -o or --highlight options here.
# Most useful styles are probably emacs, emacs_verbose and msvc.
@enscript_options = qw(--style=emacs --color=1);

# Enscript highlight rule to filename regex mappings. The set of useful
# mappings depends on what highlight rules the system has installed.
%enscript_types =
'ada' => qr/\.ad(s|b|a)$/o,
'asm' => qr/\.[Ss]$/o,
'awk' => qr/\.awk$/o,
'bash' => qr/\.(bash(_profile|rc)|inputrc)$/o,
'c' => qr/\.(c|h)$/o,
'changelog' => qr/^changelog$/io,
'cpp' => qr/\.(c\+\+|C|H|cpp|cc|cxx)$/o,
'csh' => qr/\.(csh(rc)?|log(in|out)|history)$/o,
'elisp' => qr/\.e(l|macs)$/o,
'fortran' => qr/\.[fF]$/o,
'haskell' => qr/\.(l?h|l?g)s$/o,
'html' => qr/\.x?html?$/o,
'idl' => qr/\.idl$/o,
'inf' => qr/\.inf$/io,
'java' => qr/\.java$/o,
'javascript' => qr/\.(js|pac)$/o,
'ksh' => qr/\.ksh$/o,
'm4' => qr/\.m4$/o,
'makefile' => qr/(GNU)?[Mm]akefile(?!\.PL\b)|\.(ma?ke?|am)$/o,
'matlab' => qr/\.m$/o,
'nroff' => qr/\.man$/o,
'pascal' => qr/\.p(as|p)?$/io,
'perl' => qr/\.p(m|(er)?l)$/io,
'postscript' => qr/\.e?ps$/io,
'python' => qr/\.py$/o,
'rfc' => qr/\b((rfc|draft)\..*\.txt)$/o,
'scheme' => qr/\.(scm|scheme)$/o,
'sh' => qr/\.sh$/o,
'skill' => qr/\.il$/o,
'sql' => qr/\.sql$/o,
'states' => qr/\.st$/o,
'synopsys' => qr/\.s(cr|yn(th)?)$/o,
'tcl' => qr/\.tcl$/o,
'tcsh' => qr/\.tcshrc$/o,
'tex' => qr/\.tex$/o,
'vba' => qr/\.vba$/o,
'verilog' => qr/\.(v|vh)$/o,
'vhdl' => qr/\.vhdl?$/o,
'vrml' => qr/\.wrl$/o,
'wmlscript' => qr/\.wmls(cript)?$/o,
'zsh' => qr/\.(zsh(env|rc)|z(profile|log(in|out)))$/o,

# Troubleshooting: in case of problems, setting this to 1 will cause more
# error output into your web server error log. Under normal operation,
# this should be set to 0 or commented out.
#$DEBUG = 1;

# Enable this to let CVSweb load extra configuration files from the "conf.d"
# subdirectory of the directory this file is located in. This enables site
# specific configuration without having to modify this "master"
# file (except for enabling this functionality below :)
if (0) {
my $confdir = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'conf.d');
if (opendir(CONFD, $confdir)) {
my @files = sort(map(catfile($confdir, $_), readdir(CONFD)));
for my $conffile (grep(-f && -r _, @files)) {
($conffile) = ($conffile =~ /(.+\.conf)$/) or next;
do "$conffile" or config_error($conffile, $@);

