[rancid] code posting idea
Chris Gauthier
2008-11-03 17:43:28 UTC
Here is one option for posting snippets of code that might help some
people, especially if the lines are longer:


I've used it in the past and it works very nicely. Also, if we wanted
to have a "list-specific" pastebin, then just go to

By having a different list, it avoids all the "noise" of the very busy
main pastebin site. More information about pastebin can be found at

Chris Gauthier
2008-11-03 17:53:25 UTC

You are right, it is not searchable, but this list is searchable, if we
include links. The URLs are short, so it shouldn't be too bad. I do
see value in searching, but, at the same time, I am glad it does not
allow for it. I've posted code on there in the past while collaborating
that I really was not too interested in sharing with a bunch of other
people. Thus, I was happy that searching wasn't available.

The source code is open-source, so we could modify and create our own
pastebin-type site or we could contribute to the pastebin project.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lance Vermilion [mailto:***@gheek.net]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Chris Gauthier
Subject: Re: [rancid] code posting idea

The only issue I have with it is it is not searchable...as far as I
can see. If it is please point it out.
Post by Chris Gauthier
Here is one option for posting snippets of code that might help some
Post by Chris Gauthier
I've used it in the past and it works very nicely. Also, if we wanted
Post by Chris Gauthier
have a "list-specific" pastebin, then just go to
Post by Chris Gauthier
By having a different list, it avoids all the "noise" of the very busy
Post by Chris Gauthier
pastebin site. More information about pastebin can be found at
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Lance Vermilion
2008-11-03 18:25:28 UTC
To me the concept of the mailing list is great since you read the
topic and see the output of the discussion including any code changes
needed. splitting them up makes for a challenge if they don't set the
pastebin to keep it forever and we are also dependent on the pastebin
(no matter where it is) being around forever. I keep all my emails so
I search for my stuff locally but once it goes to pastebin I am no
longer able to see code snippets over time in my own local email box.
great idea but those would be my complaints. maybe if mailman had a
plugin or something that would take the code snips and add them to the
pastebin and then update the email with the link before sending out to
the list. now that would be awesome.
Post by Chris Gauthier
You are right, it is not searchable, but this list is searchable, if we
include links. The URLs are short, so it shouldn't be too bad. I do
see value in searching, but, at the same time, I am glad it does not
allow for it. I've posted code on there in the past while collaborating
that I really was not too interested in sharing with a bunch of other
people. Thus, I was happy that searching wasn't available.
The source code is open-source, so we could modify and create our own
pastebin-type site or we could contribute to the pastebin project.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:49 AM
To: Chris Gauthier
Subject: Re: [rancid] code posting idea
The only issue I have with it is it is not searchable...as far as I
can see. If it is please point it out.
Post by Chris Gauthier
Here is one option for posting snippets of code that might help some
Post by Chris Gauthier
I've used it in the past and it works very nicely. Also, if we wanted
Post by Chris Gauthier
have a "list-specific" pastebin, then just go to
Post by Chris Gauthier
By having a different list, it avoids all the "noise" of the very busy
Post by Chris Gauthier
pastebin site. More information about pastebin can be found at
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Buchan Milne
2008-11-04 06:36:06 UTC
Post by Chris Gauthier
Here is one option for posting snippets of code that might help some
Is there really a need to post code snippets?

If there is, and if upstream development has stalled (I don't follow this list
that closely, but I can't see any evidence of development), wouldn't it make
more sense to start a project on sourceforge, and import the released versions
into CVS or subversion. Fixes could be made in the selected VCS (commit mails
are possible), and patches could be posted on the tracker.

Code snippets really should not be the method end users should need to use to
maintain the software (it's even worse than the Qmail situation with patches
on patches on patches), regardless of the tool used to track them.

