[rancid] Rancid & Dell PowerConnect 3348P
Gerhard Mourani
2010-08-10 20:49:21 UTC
Hello List,

I'm trying to use this add on (http://www.rickyninja.net/rancid/) with Rancid
3.2.4 to make it work with a Dell PowerConnect 3348P switch without success.
Does someone has been able to make it work?
Gerhard Mourani
Concepteur Logiciel / Software Developer

***@prival.ca www.prival.ca

bur (450) 761-9973 poste 634 1-866-761-9973 fax (450) 761-9842
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John Jetmore
2010-08-11 16:26:06 UTC
Post by Gerhard Mourani
Hello List,
I'm trying to use this add on (http://www.rickyninja.net/rancid/) with
Rancid 3.2.4 to make it work with a Dell PowerConnect 3348P switch without
success. Does someone has been able to make it work?
Working with 3324s and 6220s here. Have you applied the
doesn't-send-trailing-newline patch?


Gerhard Mourani
2010-08-12 12:41:19 UTC
Have you applied the doesn't-send-trailing-newline patch?
Yes, already applied without success, same problem, the /usr/bin/rancid-run
command never end.
Gerhard Mourani
Concepteur Logiciel / Software Developer

***@prival.ca www.prival.ca

bur (450) 761-9973 poste 634 1-866-761-9973 fax (450) 761-9842
9955, avenue Catania, bureau 145, Brossard, Qc J4Z 3V5
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john heasley
2010-08-13 02:09:36 UTC
Post by Gerhard Mourani
Have you applied the doesn't-send-trailing-newline patch?
Yes, already applied without success, same problem, the /usr/bin/rancid-run
command never end.
i can't test that script, but your description begs the question of
whether you are using solaris or linux and have not applied the expect
patch (http://www.shrubbery.net/rancid/#osystems).
Gerhard Mourani
2010-08-13 13:09:53 UTC
you are using solaris or linux and have not applied the expect patch
Am using Linux and the expect patch has been applied to the expect source code
and recompiled.

Here the log related to this Dell switch when running the /usr/bin/rancid-run
binary command.

starting: Fri Aug 13 08:57:32 EDT 2010

Trying to get all of the configs.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
FOUND PROMPT: PowerConnect 3448P#
can not find channel named "exp4"
while executing
"send $send_this"
(procedure "dsend" line 4)
invoked from within
"dsend "[subst -nocommands [lindex $commands $i]]\r""
invoked from within
"if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
set commands [split $command \;]
set num_commands [llength $commands]
for {set i 0} {$..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 13)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 138)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
send_user "$router\n"

# Figure out the prompt.
# autoenabl..."
(file "/usr/bin/dlogin" line 660)^M
found_end = 0, clean_run = 0 dlogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached missed cmd(s): show version,show running-config,show vlan End of run not found
Getting missed routers: round 1.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
FOUND PROMPT: PowerConnect 3448P#
can not find channel named "exp4"
while executing
"send $send_this"
(procedure "dsend" line 4)
invoked from within
"dsend "[subst -nocommands [lindex $commands $i]]\r""
invoked from within
"if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
set commands [split $command \;]
set num_commands [llength $commands]
for {set i 0} {$..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 13)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 138)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
send_user "$router\n"

# Figure out the prompt.
# autoenabl..."
(file "/usr/bin/dlogin" line 660)^M
found_end = 0, clean_run = 0 dlogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached missed cmd(s): show version,show running-config,show vlan End of run not found
Getting missed routers: round 2.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
FOUND PROMPT: PowerConnect 3448P#
can not find channel named "exp4"
while executing
"send $send_this"
(procedure "dsend" line 4)
invoked from within
"dsend "[subst -nocommands [lindex $commands $i]]\r""
invoked from within
"if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
set commands [split $command \;]
set num_commands [llength $commands]
for {set i 0} {$..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 13)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 138)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
send_user "$router\n"

# Figure out the prompt.
# autoenabl..."
(file "/usr/bin/dlogin" line 660)^M
found_end = 0, clean_run = 0 dlogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached missed cmd(s): show version,show running-config,show vlan End of run not found
Getting missed routers: round 3.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
Received signal - ending run (1).
Getting missed routers: round 4.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
Received signal - ending run (1).

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs diff: cannot find configs/
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs
cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `configs/'
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
ls: cannot access No such file or directory
Gerhard Mourani
Concepteur Logiciel / Software Developer

***@prival.ca www.prival.ca

bur (450) 761-9973 poste 634 1-866-761-9973 fax (450) 761-9842
9955, avenue Catania, bureau 145, Brossard, Qc J4Z 3V5
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john heasley
2010-08-13 18:52:18 UTC
Post by Gerhard Mourani
you are using solaris or linux and have not applied the expect patch
Am using Linux and the expect patch has been applied to the expect source code
and recompiled.
so, it finishes, but not successfully.
Post by Gerhard Mourani
Trying to get all of the configs.
opened network stream from if () at /usr/bin/drancid line 273.
FOUND PROMPT: PowerConnect 3448P#
can not find channel named "exp4"
while executing
so, either the expect script closed the channel to ssh/telnet, or the
ssh/telnet command exited, or the device closed the connection prematurely.

try whateveritislogin -c 'show version' hostname
Gerhard Mourani
2010-08-13 20:49:15 UTC
Post by john heasley
ry whateveritislogin -c 'show version' hostname
Here the output of the clogin commad on it.

bash-4.0$ /usr/bin/clogin -c 'show version'
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l admin

User Name:admin

PowerConnect 3448P> enable

PowerConnect 3448P#
PowerConnect 3448P# terminal length 0
% Unrecognized command
PowerConnect 3448P#
Gerhard Mourani
Concepteur Logiciel / Software Developer

***@prival.ca www.prival.ca

bur (450) 761-9973 poste 634 1-866-761-9973 fax (450) 761-9842
9955, avenue Catania, bureau 145, Brossard, Qc J4Z 3V5
P Merci de penser à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel.
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john heasley
2010-08-14 02:33:01 UTC
Post by Gerhard Mourani
Post by john heasley
ry whateveritislogin -c 'show version' hostname
Here the output of the clogin commad on it.
bash-4.0$ /usr/bin/clogin -c 'show version'
doesnt the dell have its own login cmd? your log has function call 'dsend'
which is not part of clogin.
Post by Gerhard Mourani
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l admin
User Name:admin
PowerConnect 3448P> enable
PowerConnect 3448P#
PowerConnect 3448P# terminal length 0
% Unrecognized command
PowerConnect 3448P#
sorry, those are all the easy things to test. have to get dirty from here.
ktrace/strace/truss, expect -d / clogin -d, etc.

maybe the author of the dell module or somewith a dell can help you.
Gerhard Mourani
2010-08-16 14:29:49 UTC
Post by john heasley
doesnt the dell have its own login cmd?
I don't think. Anyway thanks for your help here. I think that's one of the
reason why the author of Rancid doesn't include Dell support into Rancid.
Gerhard Mourani
Concepteur Logiciel / Software Developer

***@prival.ca www.prival.ca

bur (450) 761-9973 poste 634 1-866-761-9973 fax (450) 761-9842
9955, avenue Catania, bureau 145, Brossard, Qc J4Z 3V5
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John Jetmore
2010-08-16 14:43:54 UTC
Post by Gerhard Mourani
Post by john heasley
doesnt the dell have its own login cmd?
I don't think. Anyway thanks for your help here. I think that's one of the
reason why the author of Rancid doesn't include Dell support into Rancid.
