[rancid] rancid and Nexus 7010 - reference attached rancid -d output
Ian Stong
2011-05-16 15:47:19 UTC
***@dcperfmon1:~/var/logs $ rancid -d

executing clogin -t 90 -c"show version;show redundancy secondary;show
idprom backplane;show install active;show env all;show rsp
chassis-info;sh ow gsr chassis;show boot;show bootvar;show
variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all
slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /al l slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all
slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all
harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir
/all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all
slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slaved isk1:;dir /all
slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all
sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all
sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all
sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers
cbus;show dia gbus;show diag;show module;show spe version;show
c7200;show vtp status;show vlan;show running-config;write term"

PROMPT MATCH: nexus7k-2#

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show version

In ShowVersion: nexus7k-2# show version

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show redundancy secondary

In ShowRedundancy: nexus7k-2# show redundancy secondary

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show idprom backplane

In ShowIDprom: nexus7k-2# show idprom backplane

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show install active

In ShowInstallActive: nexus7k-2# show install active

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show env all

In ShowEnv: nexus7k-2# show env all

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show rsp chassis-info

In ShowRSP: nexus7k-2# show rsp chassis-info

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show gsr chassis

In ShowGSR: nexus7k-2# show gsr chassis

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show boot

In ShowBoot: nexus7k-2# show boot

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show bootvar

In ShowBoot: nexus7k-2# show bootvar

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show variables boot

In ShowBoot: nexus7k-2# show variables boot

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show flash

In ShowFlash: nexus7k-2# show flash

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all nvram:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all nvram:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all bootflash:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all bootflash:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slot0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slot0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all disk0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all disk0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slot1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slot1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all disk1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all disk1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slot2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slot2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all disk2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all disk2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all harddisk:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all harddisk:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all harddiska:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all harddiska:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all harddiskb:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all harddiskb:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sup-bootflash:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sup-bootflash:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sup-microcode:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sup-microcode:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavenvram:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavenvram:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavebootflash:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavebootflash:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slaveslot2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavedisk2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all slavesup-bootflash:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all slavesup-bootflash:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-nvram:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-nvram:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-bootflash:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-bootflash:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk0:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk0:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk1:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk1:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-slot2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk2:

In DirSlotN: nexus7k-2# dir /all sec-disk2:

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show controllers

In ShowContAll: nexus7k-2# show controllers

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show controllers cbus

In ShowContCbus: nexus7k-2# show controllers cbus

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show diagbus

In ShowDiagbus: nexus7k-2# show diagbus

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show diag

In ShowDiag: nexus7k-2# show diag

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show module

In ShowModule: nexus7k-2# show module

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show spe version

In ShowSpeVersion: nexus7k-2# show spe version

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show c7200

In ShowC7200: nexus7k-2# show c7200

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show vtp status

In ShowVTP: nexus7k-2# show vtp status

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show vlan

In ShowVLAN: nexus7k-2# show vlan

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# show running-config

In WriteTerm: nexus7k-2# show running-config

HIT COMMAND:nexus7k-2# write term

In WriteTerm: nexus7k-2# write term End of run not found End of run not found

% Invalid command at '^' marker.

From: rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net
[mailto:rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net] On Behalf Of Ian Stong
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:04 AM
To: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: [rancid] rancid and Nexus 7010

I've been using rancid for some time to monitor our nexus configs. We
recently upgraded the software on the nexus switches to v5. 1.3 and on
the 7010 switches I get several emails a day now reflecting diffs for
them - even though we aren't changing anything in the config. Wondering
if anyone has come across this or has suggestions on how to resolve it
based on the output below. These are the emails I receive shortly after
each other.

retrieving revision 1.244

diff -U 4 -r1.244

@@ -40,15 +40,17 @@

!LIC: License hostid: VDH=TBM11436241


!Red: % Permission denied


+ !Env: show environment fan

!Env: Clock:

!Env: ----------------------------------------------------------

!Env: Clock Model Hw Status

!Env: ----------------------------------------------------------

!Env: A Clock Module --

!Env: B Clock Module --


+ !Env: show environment temperature

!Env: Fan:

!Env: ------------------------------------------------------

!Env: Fan Model Hw Status

!Env: ------------------------------------------------------

@@ -130,8 +132,9 @@

!Env: xbar-2 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 Ok

!Env: xbar-3 Intake (s2) 60 42 Ok

!Env: xbar-3 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 Ok


+ !Env: show boot

!Env: Power Supply:

!Env: Voltage: 50 Volts

!Env: Power Total

!Env: Supply Model Capacity Status

@@ -169,8 +172,9 @@

!Env: Total Power Available for additional modules
1700 W


!Variable: % Permission denied


+ !Flash: bootflash: dir debug:

!Flash: bootflash: 4096 Apr 09 14:00:19 2011 bak/

!Flash: bootflash: 49152 Apr 09 14:01:49 2011 lost+found/

!Flash: bootflash: 100118021 Mar 18 08:41:00 2010

@@ -192,13 +196,17 @@

!Flash: debug: 0 MB used

!Flash: debug: 1 MB free

!Flash: debug: 2 MB total


+ !Flash: usb1: dir usb2:

+ !Flash: usb2: dir volatile:

+ !Flash: volatile: show module

!Flash: volatile: Usage for volatile://sup-local

!Flash: volatile: 0 MB used

!Flash: volatile: 500 MB free

!Flash: volatile: 500 MB total


+ !Mod: show module xbar

!Mod: Mod Ports Module-Type Model

!Mod: --- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------

!Mod: 1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Module N7K-M148GT-11

!Mod: 2 32 10 Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-M132XP-12

@@ -223,8 +231,9 @@

!Mod: 5 00-26-51-c7-74-98 to 00-26-51-c7-74-a0 JAF1348AHA1

!Mod: 6 00-26-51-c7-7d-60 to 00-26-51-c7-7d-68 JAF1348AHA2



+ !Mod: show inventory

!Mod: Xbar Ports Module-Type Model

!Mod: --- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------

!Mod: 1 0 Fabric Module 1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1

!Mod: 2 0 Fabric Module 1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1

@@ -243,8 +252,9 @@

!Mod: 2 NA JAF1346AARA

!Mod: 3 NA JAF1346AAPB



+ !show vlan

!NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot)
Chassis "

!PID: N7K-C7010

!VID: V01

!SN: TBM13436247

@@ -310,8 +320,9 @@

!DEBUG: `end`


!CORES: % Permission denied


+ !PROC_LOGS: show running-config

!PROC_LOGS: VDC Process PID Normal-exit Stack Core

!PROC_LOGS: --- --------------- ------ ----------- ----- -----


Email #2

retrieving revision 1.245

diff -U 4 -r1.245

@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@

!Software: kickstart compile time: 12/25/2020 12:00:00 [03/11/2011

!Software: system image file is: bootflash:///n7000-s1-dk9.5.1.3.bin

!Software: system compile time: 1/21/2011 19:00:00 [03/11/2011


+ !LIC: show license usage

!LIC: TBM13436247_134432796.lic:

!LIC: SERVER this_host ANY

!LIC: VENDOR cisco

uncounted \ @@ -28,8 +29,9 @@


PAK>N7K-C7010-BUNTBM13436247</PAK> \



+ !LIC: show license host-id

!LIC: Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date

!LIC: Count



@@ -38,8 +40,9 @@



!LIC: License hostid: VDH=TBM11436241


+ !Red: show environment clock

!Red: % Permission denied


!Env: show environment fan

!Env: Clock:

@@ -48,9 +51,8 @@

!Env: ----------------------------------------------------------

!Env: A Clock Module --

!Env: B Clock Module --


- !Env: show environment temperature

!Env: Fan:

!Env: ------------------------------------------------------

!Env: Fan Model Hw Status

!Env: ------------------------------------------------------

@@ -61,9 +63,11 @@

!Env: Fan_in_PS1 -- -- Ok

!Env: Fan_in_PS2 -- -- Ok

!Env: Fan_in_PS3 -- -- Absent

!Env: Fan Air Filter : Absent

+ !Env: show environment temperature


+ !Env: show power

!Env: Temperature:


!Env: Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres Status

!Env: (Celsius) (Celsius)

@@ -172,9 +176,8 @@

!Env: Total Power Available for additional modules
1700 W


!Variable: % Permission denied


- !Flash: bootflash: dir debug:

!Flash: bootflash: 4096 Apr 09 14:00:19 2011 bak/

!Flash: bootflash: 49152 Apr 09 14:01:49 2011 lost+found/

!Flash: bootflash: 100118021 Mar 18 08:41:00 2010

@@ -189,24 +192,22 @@

!Flash: bootflash: 431 MB used

!Flash: bootflash: 1294 MB free

!Flash: bootflash: 1726 MB total


+ !Flash: debug: dir slot0:

!Flash: debug: 8568 Apr 10 01:29:18 2011 bootvar_debug.log

!Flash: debug: 4 Apr 10 01:29:18 2011 bootvar_debug.meta

!Flash: debug: Usage for debug://sup-local

!Flash: debug: 0 MB used

!Flash: debug: 1 MB free

!Flash: debug: 2 MB total


- !Flash: usb1: dir usb2:

- !Flash: usb2: dir volatile:

- !Flash: volatile: show module

+ !Flash: slot0: dir usb1:

!Flash: volatile: Usage for volatile://sup-local

!Flash: volatile: 0 MB used

!Flash: volatile: 500 MB free

!Flash: volatile: 500 MB total


- !Mod: show module xbar

!Mod: Mod Ports Module-Type Model

!Mod: --- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------

!Mod: 1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Module N7K-M148GT-11

!Mod: 2 32 10 Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-M132XP-12

@@ -314,18 +315,19 @@

!PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-F

!VID: V02

!SN: FOX1339XA7Q


+ !DEBUG: show cores vdc-all

!DEBUG: Debug level is set to Minor(1)

!DEBUG: default for new sessions logging level: 0

!DEBUG: `end`


!CORES: % Permission denied


- !PROC_LOGS: show running-config

!PROC_LOGS: VDC Process PID Normal-exit Stack Core

!PROC_LOGS: --- --------------- ------ ----------- ----- -----


+ exit
