[rancid] Stuck on a fresh install.. empty logs etc.
Jeff MacDonald
2015-06-23 19:13:25 UTC

I actually installed Rancid over 5 years ago
 and its time for a fresh install. It’s still beats me up pretty bad :)

I’m installing from source on Ubuntu Trusty.

I’m trying to configure this for a Dell Power Connect 5448 and a Juniper SSG-5. I recalled in the past that drancid was needed. Going without that assumption this time.

Here is my .cloginrc

add user firewall1.toronto.terida.net rancid
add password firewall1.toronto.terida.net BEEFCAKE
add method firewall1.toronto.terida.net ssh

add user switch1.toronto.terida.net rancid
add password switch1.toronto.terida.net BEEFCAKE
add method switch1.toronto.terida.net telnet
add autoenable switch1.toronto.terida.net {1}

And here is my router.db



***@default-ubuntu-1404:/usr/local/rancid/var$ rm logs/*;rancid-run
***@default-ubuntu-1404:/usr/local/rancid/var$ vim logs/terida.20150623.185731

starting: Tue Jun 23 18:57:31 UTC 2015

ending: Tue Jun 23 18:57:31 UTC 2015

my rancid.conf is pretty plain right now. I setup a LIST_OF_GROUPS and left the rest as default for now.

Cool eh?

Not sure next steps.

— Jeff MacDonald
2015-06-23 22:40:33 UTC
If you installed the latest and greatest (3.x+), your router.db needs updated to use the proper delimiters (semicolons now instead of colons to allow for IPv6 addresses).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff MacDonald <***@terida.com>
Sender: "Rancid-discuss" <rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:13:25
To: <rancid-***@shrubbery.net>
Subject: [rancid] Stuck on a fresh install.. empty logs etc.
Jeff MacDonald
2015-06-24 11:50:33 UTC
Yup. That was it everyone. Thanks muchly. Frustrating.. but simple :)

the Juniper started working right away. I have some issues with the dell but I’ll make a separate thread about that once i do some debuggin.

— Jeff MacDonald
Post by l***@hotmail.com
If you installed the latest and greatest (3.x+), your router.db needs updated to use the proper delimiters (semicolons now instead of colons to allow for IPv6 addresses).
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:13:25
Subject: [rancid] Stuck on a fresh install.. empty logs etc.
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