[rancid] ViewVC problem with new install/upgrade
Todd Heide
2009-02-13 22:26:06 UTC
With the problems I had with the router configs not updating, and other
various login problems, I decided to upgrade, and followed the
instructions RE moving directories to /var/rancid, etc. That was my
first attempt, did solve anything, so I wiped out the rancid directory
and all its childs, and reinstalled Rancid from scratch. Good new is CVS
is working once again, bad news is I get

An Exception Has Occurred

Rancid not found!

The wrong path for this repository was configured, or the server on
which the CVS tree lives may be down. Please try again in a few minutes.

Python Traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.0.4/lib/viewvc.py", line 3665, in main


File "/usr/local/viewvc-1.0.4/lib/viewvc.py", line 234, in run_viewvc

raise debug.ViewVCException(

ViewVCException: ViewVC Unrecoverable Error: Rancid not found!

The wrong path for this repository was configured, or the server on
which the CVS tree lives may be down. Please try again in a few minutes.

When I click on the link to the repository.

I checked the viewvc.conf, it is pointing to /usr/local/rancid/var/CVS,
same as it did before, the directories are still listed like this, and
if I go into the CVS directory, and into one of the groups, I can see
the ,v on the files, and the logs also indicate CVS is being updated,
and the files are of current configs.

Now if I change the location on viewvc.conf to /var/Rancid, I can see
all the previous configs from the old setup. I checked permissions on
the directories, and they are the same. There is one difference between
this setup and the previous one, I used a new user for it, rancid
instead of Rancid. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or
not. Last time I ran into this it was a permissions issue with the

Here is a tail from a log indicating that it is doffing

cvs diff: Diffing .

cvs diff: Diffing configs

cvs commit: Examining .

cvs commit: Examining configs

Checking in configs/p.com;

/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/Core_Switches/configs/p.com,v <-- p.com

new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3



