[rancid] Rancid and Brocade 6510
2018-09-05 13:37:23 UTC

We are deploying Rancid to backup the configuration of our switches, but I'm having issues with Brocade 6510. I've seen in 'rancid.types.base' a Brocad entry that may do the job, but, there's no module for it.

# Brocade
#XXX brocade;script;rancid -t brocade
#XXX brocade;module; XXX
#XXX brocade;inloop; XXX
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ChassisShow;chassisShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;firmwareShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;version
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;zoneshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;portcfgshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::Fosconfig;fosConfig --show
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::IpAddrShow;ipAddrShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::LicenseShow;licenseShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::DomainsShow;domainsShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ConfigShow;configShow

There was a discussion started in 2015 about it (http://www.shrubbery.net/pipermail/rancid-discuss/2015-May/008408.html) but no one seems to actually answerd this.

Any Ideas ?

Regards, Vivien

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Daniel Schmidt
2018-09-06 16:26:10 UTC
Have you tried foundry?
Post by Vivien FRENOT
We are deploying Rancid to backup the configuration of our switches, but
I’m having issues with Brocade 6510. I’ve seen in ‘rancid.types.base’ a
Brocad entry that may do the job, but, there’s no module for it.
# Brocade
#XXX brocade;script;rancid -t brocade
#XXX brocade;module; XXX
#XXX brocade;inloop; XXX
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ChassisShow;chassisShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;firmwareShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;version
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;zoneshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;portcfgshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::Fosconfig;fosConfig --show
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::IpAddrShow;ipAddrShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::LicenseShow;licenseShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::DomainsShow;domainsShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ConfigShow;configShow
There was a discussion started in 2015 about it (http://www.shrubbery.net/
pipermail/rancid-discuss/2015-May/008408.html) but no one seems to
actually answerd this.
Any Ideas ?
Regards, Vivien
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2018-09-07 17:18:35 UTC
Post by Vivien FRENOT
We are deploying Rancid to backup the configuration of our switches, but I'm having issues with Brocade 6510. I've seen in 'rancid.types.base' a Brocad entry that may do the job, but, there's no module for it.
# Brocade
#XXX brocade;script;rancid -t brocade
#XXX brocade;module; XXX
#XXX brocade;inloop; XXX
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ChassisShow;chassisShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;firmwareShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;version
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;zoneshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;portcfgshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::Fosconfig;fosConfig --show
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::IpAddrShow;ipAddrShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::LicenseShow;licenseShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::DomainsShow;domainsShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ConfigShow;configShow
There was a discussion started in 2015 about it (http://www.shrubbery.net/pipermail/rancid-discuss/2015-May/008408.html) but no one seems to actually answerd this.
Any Ideas ?
does brlogin work, according to the tests in the FAQ S3 Q2?
2018-10-03 16:05:23 UTC

Yes, brlogin is working fine.

The foundry module is not a solution, as it does not use brocade commande.

I guess, I'm now missing the parsing module that seems to be not included on the latest release. I hope this is still a work in progress, but as this is SAN switches, we want to backup it automatically.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : heasley <***@shrubbery.net>
Envoyé : vendredi 7 septembre 2018 19:19
À : Vivien FRENOT <***@pixid.fr>
Cc : rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Objet : Re: [rancid] Rancid and Brocade 6510
Post by Vivien FRENOT
We are deploying Rancid to backup the configuration of our switches, but I'm having issues with Brocade 6510. I've seen in 'rancid.types.base' a Brocad entry that may do the job, but, there's no module for it.
# Brocade
#XXX brocade;script;rancid -t brocade
#XXX brocade;module; XXX
#XXX brocade;inloop; XXX
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ChassisShow;chassisShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;firmwareShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;version
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;zoneshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;portcfgshow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::Fosconfig;fosConfig --show
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::IpAddrShow;ipAddrShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::LicenseShow;licenseShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::DomainsShow;domainsShow
#XXX brocade;command;XXX::ConfigShow;configShow
There was a discussion started in 2015 about it (http://www.shrubbery.net/pipermail/rancid-discuss/2015-May/008408.html) but no one seems to actually answerd this.
Any Ideas ?
does brlogin work, according to the tests in the FAQ S3 Q2?

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