[rancid] Problem with "add method" (Linux)
Dale Shaw
2008-07-24 17:19:26 UTC

I'm running up rancid 2.3.2a7 on Knoppix Linux (kernel 2.6.19) and am
having some trouble getting 'clogin' to try multiple access methods.

I have a really simple config at the moment:

add user * {testuser}
add userpassword * {Passw0rd}
add password * {nothing} {s3cret123}
add method * {ssh} {telnet}

clogin attempts to connect to devices using SSH, then, after the
default 45 second timeout (in this case when attempting to connect to
a device without SSH enabled), gives up completely without trying
telnet. If I swap the methods around so that telnet is first (or just
comment out the "add method" line), it works because the device
accepts the connection. If I change the telnet port to something
non-standard, it tries telnet on the non-standard port but never tries

It seems basic enough that I figure I must be doing something really dumb.

Any clues?

john heasley
2008-07-24 20:19:58 UTC
Post by Dale Shaw
I'm running up rancid 2.3.2a7 on Knoppix Linux (kernel 2.6.19) and am
having some trouble getting 'clogin' to try multiple access methods.
add user * {testuser}
add userpassword * {Passw0rd}
add password * {nothing} {s3cret123}
add method * {ssh} {telnet}
clogin attempts to connect to devices using SSH, then, after the
default 45 second timeout (in this case when attempting to connect to
a device without SSH enabled), gives up completely without trying
telnet. If I swap the methods around so that telnet is first (or just
comment out the "add method" line), it works because the device
accepts the connection. If I change the telnet port to something
non-standard, it tries telnet on the non-standard port but never tries
It seems basic enough that I figure I must be doing something really dumb.
Any clues?
you're box is filtering; ie: if theres no ssh listening you'd normally
get a fail response and no 45sec timeout. this looks to clogin as if
the device is unreachable, instead of ssh not answering.
Dale Shaw
2008-07-24 21:52:19 UTC
Thanks John, you pointed me in the right direction.

I neglected to mention that the box is virtual, and I was using the
'NAT' network interface for communicating via the host OS. Obviously
ICMP unreachables aren't handled by VMware Server (although echo
request/reply is). I changed the VM to 'Bridged', jiggled some guest
OS settings, and voila! It all started happening.

Post by john heasley
Post by Dale Shaw
I'm running up rancid 2.3.2a7 on Knoppix Linux (kernel 2.6.19) and am
having some trouble getting 'clogin' to try multiple access methods.
add user * {testuser}
add userpassword * {Passw0rd}
add password * {nothing} {s3cret123}
add method * {ssh} {telnet}
clogin attempts to connect to devices using SSH, then, after the
default 45 second timeout (in this case when attempting to connect to
a device without SSH enabled), gives up completely without trying
telnet. If I swap the methods around so that telnet is first (or just
comment out the "add method" line), it works because the device
accepts the connection. If I change the telnet port to something
non-standard, it tries telnet on the non-standard port but never tries
It seems basic enough that I figure I must be doing something really dumb.
Any clues?
you're box is filtering; ie: if theres no ssh listening you'd normally
get a fail response and no 45sec timeout. this looks to clogin as if
the device is unreachable, instead of ssh not answering.