[rancid] auto enter priv EXEC mode upon clogin for cisco ASR1002
2011-05-19 07:45:46 UTC
hi all,

My environments are rancid-2.3.3, centOS 5.5, freeradius-1.1.3-1.6.el5, cisco ASR1002 and cisco XR12000.

my problem:how to straight away enter priv EXEC mode when authenticated for asr1002??this can be done for XR12000.

[***@nms2 ~]$ clogin asr1002
spawn telnet asr1002
Trying x.x.2x.3...
telnet: connect to address x.x.2x.3: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid asr1002
***@asr1002's password:


[***@nms2 ~]$ clogin xr12000
spawn telnet xr12000
Trying y.y.y.y...
telnet: connect to address y.y.y.y: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid xr12000


           Unauthorised access and/or misuse of the system is prohibited and
             constitutes an offence under CO XYZ terms and conditions.


***@xr12000's password:


Both routers have same config in rancid (.cloginrc):

add user asr1002 rancid       
add userpassword asr1002 mys3cpass
add autoenable asr1002 1

add user xr12000 rancid       
add userpassword xr12000 mys3cpass
add autoenable xr12000 1

Frm RADIUS user file: rancid user have privilege 15:

rancid        Auth-Type := System
              Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,
              cisco-avpair = "shell:priv-lvl=15"


Not sure this prob from my rancid config or cisco router config but one thing for sure is XR12000 works fine...local login to XR also auto in priv EXEC mode but for asr1002 can't...