[rancid] MLNX-OS support
Shkelzen Rugovac
2017-02-15 07:28:08 UTC

I would like to know if there is way to make rancid work with Mellanox
Ethernet switches running MLNX-OS eg model SX1016.

I already tried to adapt the following doc:

This is what I used as wrapplugin


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Modules

# Load any modules needed
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SSH::Perl;

# Variables

# Initialize variables used in this script

my $debug = 0;

my %options = ();
getopts('df:', \%options);
my $file = $options{'f'};
my $fh;
my $host = $ARGV[0];

$debug = $options{'d'};

print STDERR "to host: $host\n" if $debug;

my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host, protocol => '2,1', debug => $debug );

print STDERR "made ssh obj\n" if $debug;

print STDERR "login\n" if $debug;
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("true");
print STDERR "got output\n" if $debug;

# Open the output file.
open($fh, ">", $file) or die "Cannot open output file\n";
print $fh "#RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: wrapper.mlnx\n#\n";

print $fh $stdout;
print STDERR "wrote output of ". length($stdout)." bytes\n" if $debug;

# End #
print STDERR "done\n" if $debug;


But it only shows this part of the config:


2. !
3. !
4. !
5. !
6. !
7. !Image: % Unrecognized command "install".
8. !Image: Type "show ?" for help.
9. !
10. !
11. !
12. !
13. !
14. !BootFlash: show bootvar
15. !BootFlash: Installed images:
16. !BootFlash: Partition 1:
17. !BootFlash: SX_PPC_M460EX SX_3.2.0506 2012-10-14 19:50:50 ppc
18. !BootFlash: Partition 2:
19. !BootFlash: SX_PPC_M460EX SX_3.2.0506 2012-10-14 19:50:50 ppc
20. !BootFlash: Last boot partition: 1
21. !BootFlash: Next boot partition: 1
22. !BootFlash: Boot manager password is set.
23. !BootFlash: No image install currently in progress.
24. !BootFlash: Image signing: trusted signature always required
25. !BootFlash: Admin require signed images: yes
26. !BootFlash: Settings for next boot only:
27. !BootFlash: Fallback reboot on configuration failure: yes (default)
28. !
29. !BootFlash: show variables boot
30. !BootFlash: Installed images:
31. !BootFlash: Partition 1:
32. !BootFlash: SX_PPC_M460EX SX_3.2.0506 2012-10-14 19:50:50 ppc
33. !BootFlash: Partition 2:
34. !BootFlash: SX_PPC_M460EX SX_3.2.0506 2012-10-14 19:50:50 ppc
35. !BootFlash: Last boot partition: 1
36. !BootFlash: Next boot partition: 1
37. !BootFlash: Boot manager password is set.
38. !BootFlash: No image install currently in progress.
39. !BootFlash: Image signing: trusted signature always required
40. !BootFlash: Admin require signed images: yes
41. !BootFlash: Settings for next boot only:
42. !BootFlash: Fallback reboot on configuration failure: yes (default)
43. !
44. !BootFlash: % Unrecognized command "variables".
45. !BootFlash: Type "show ?" for help.
46. !
47. !Flash: % Unrecognized command "flash".
48. !Flash: Type "show ?" for help.
49. !
50. !Flash: [standalone: % Unrecognized command "dir".
51. !Flash: [standalone: Type "?" for help.
52. !
53. !Flash: [standalone: % Unrecognized command "dir".
54. !Flash: [standalone: Type "?" for help.
55. !
56. !Flash: [standalone: % Unrecognized command "dir".
57. !Flash: [standalone: Type "?" for help.


Does anyone have already a workaround for this? Is there any development on
a possible "mlxlogin"?


