[rancid] ExtremeXOS 12.6 vs RANCID 3.1 - login out of step?
Howard Jones
2015-04-20 16:31:52 UTC
We have some Extreme X480 switches running XOS 12.6 which RANCID seems
to dislike.

The basic symptom is that clogin enters a username, then does
<something> then enters the password at the next username prompt. I've
tried fiddling with the passprompt setting, to make it exactly as seen
in the output from the switch, but as far as I can see the default
should have worked anyway.

This appears to be the same issue, but without any particular resolution:

Does anyone have Summit X480s working in RANCID?



(looking forward to suffering from the various other problems folks seem
to have once the login has actually worked! The couple of ours with SSH
(and therefore no login script) seem to come and go from polling)