[rancid] [FWD: Re: Cisco IPS V5.X & Rancid]
2007-08-06 23:29:16 UTC
Here you go.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [rancid] Re: Cisco IPS V5.X & Rancid
Date: Mon, May 07, 2007 10:50 am
The terminal type was what 'made it angry'.
diff --recursive new/ old/
diff --recursive new/rancid-fe old/rancid-fe
< elsif ($vendor =~ /^ciscoips$/i) { exec('ciscoips', $router); }
The attached are my scripts for the IPS: ipslogin and ciscoips.
The AGM setup did not work for me. I'll dig into that in a bit.
I am working on writing a RANCID interpretter for Cisco's IPS V5.X/6.X
line. I have a modified clogin and have writen the ciscoips subsystem.
The issue I have is that I can manually run the debug file just fine.
However, clogin reports 'Error: EOF received' and dumps out. Cisco's IPS
accepts the username from SSH but does not prompt again for it. So my one
modification allows my ciscoips subsystem to tell clogin not to send the
EOF received'. If I run the ciscoips -d hostname, I don't see it.
However, if I add it to the router.db, then I get the error message. Any
backround on the clogin EOF error would be much appreciated.
I'd guess that it dislikes the TERM you get from the cron. The AGM does
that, IIRC.
BTW, this thing looks awefully similar to the AGM. Have you tried that
rancid device type?
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