[rancid] Question about " How to configure RANCID on CentOS "
Vianney Briolet
2014-02-17 16:25:26 UTC
From: ***@hotmail.fr
To: ***@shrubbery.net
Subject: RE: Question about " How to configure RANCID on CentOS "
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:21:16 +0100

Ok, thanks for your help.

So, when i type clogin <my_router_address>

It shown before the router text:
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid <my_router_address>

Besides, I try a ssh session to my router on this virtual machine and it works with the router user rancid.

Finally, I check the password on my .cloginrc file and it's right. I precise that I set autoenable option too.

> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 16:07:29 +0000
> From: ***@shrubbery.net
> To: ***@hotmail.fr
> CC: ***@shrubbery.net
> Subject: Re: FW: Question about " How to configure RANCID on CentOS "
> Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:15:57AM +0100, Vianney Briolet:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > I contact you about a tutorial about Rancid:
> > http://www.ispexperts.com.np/?page_id=556
> >
> > It helps me a lot as I want to configure a Rancid server on a Centos 6 Virtual Machine. I follow every steps and adapt it for my network. However, I have a problem on step 18). Maybe you can help me :)
> >
> > Indeed, when i type in bin/clogin <my_router_address> It shows my "connection text" (like "Welcome on Network01" that i configure on my router. Then, it writes Password. And, 3-4 seconds later it writes Password again. Finallay, nothing happens.
> you probably have the password wrong (use clogin -d to see what it is sending)
> or you have a special character in your password that needs to be escaped (see
> cloginrc(5)). that is the wrong password is sent, and the device re-prompts
> for it, like if you had made a typographical error interactively.
> you should post help questions to rancid-***@shrubbery.net in the future.
> > I really don't understand the issue. I do the procedure twice and I have this exact same problem again...
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your help.
> >
> > Vianney Briolet,
> >
> > French IT engineer
> >
Alan McKinnon
2014-02-17 20:08:19 UTC
You ssh to the router and enter the correct username and password, it works.

You clogin to the router and believe the username and password are
correct it .cloginrc but it fails.

Therefore clogin is not doing what you think it is doing, it is doing
something else.

For us to help you, you must supply more information. All you have said
so far is that your config is correct but it doesn't work, and that's
not enough information to help you at all.

autoenable is not relevant here, when you get multiple password prompts
it is your username/password that is wrong, and autoenable comes later.

Examine .cloginrc very carefully and keep in mind these facts:

1. it's first match wins. So if you have this

add password * my-pass
add passward my-router.example.com my-other-pass

the first line is used as it matches everything.

2. Passwords often have special characters that must be quoted using {}
like this:

add password my-router.example.com {my-other-pass}

Finally, when there is no obvious problem with .cloginrc. run clogin
with the -d option to get a debug output. Then you can see what the
software is really doing..

On 17/02/2014 18:25, Vianney Briolet wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: ***@hotmail.fr
> To: ***@shrubbery.net
> Subject: RE: Question about " How to configure RANCID on CentOS "
> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:21:16 +0100
> Ok, thanks for your help.
> So, when i type clogin <my_router_address>
> It shown before the router text:
> spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l rancid <my_router_address>
> Besides, I try a ssh session to my router on this virtual machine and it
> works with the router user rancid.
> Finally, I check the password on my .cloginrc file and it's right. I
> precise that I set autoenable option too.
>> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 16:07:29 +0000
>> From: ***@shrubbery.net
>> To: ***@hotmail.fr
>> CC: ***@shrubbery.net
>> Subject: Re: FW: Question about " How to configure RANCID on CentOS "
>> Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:15:57AM +0100, Vianney Briolet:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I contact you about a tutorial about Rancid:
>> > http://www.ispexperts.com.np/?page_id=556
>> >
>> > It helps me a lot as I want to configure a Rancid server on a Centos
> 6 Virtual Machine. I follow every steps and adapt it for my network.
> However, I have a problem on step 18). Maybe you can help me :)
>> >
>> > Indeed, when i type in bin/clogin <my_router_address> It shows my
> "connection text" (like "Welcome on Network01" that i configure on my
> router. Then, it writes Password. And, 3-4 seconds later it writes
> Password again. Finallay, nothing happens.
>> you probably have the password wrong (use clogin -d to see what it is
> sending)
>> or you have a special character in your password that needs to be
> escaped (see
>> cloginrc(5)). that is the wrong password is sent, and the device
> re-prompts
>> for it, like if you had made a typographical error interactively.
>> you should post help questions to rancid-***@shrubbery.net in the
> future.
>> > I really don't understand the issue. I do the procedure twice and I
> have this exact same problem again...
>> >
>> > Thanks a lot for your help.
>> >
>> > Vianney Briolet,
>> >
>> > French IT engineer
>> >
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Alan McKinnon