[rancid] XRRANCID with CRS-1 devices
Mack, David A (Dave)
2011-08-23 17:26:48 UTC
As I progress with our new install of Rancid version 2.3.6 I am taking a close look at how the xrrancid script handles CRS-1 routers running IOS-XR. We have single and multi-chassis CSR-1 systems currently running IOS-XR 3.9. What I am seeing is that some of the commands syntax are not supported on the device at all and others are not pulling all the information that they might. In the hopes that it might help improve this script, I have listed my observations below:

1) Show Version

Is not picking up the following:

2 Management Ethernet
192 GigabitEthernet
95 Packet over SONET/SDH
1019k bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
76170M bytes of hard disk.
2049888k bytes of disk0: (Sector size 512 bytes).

It is also showing the processor as

!Chassis type: CRS-16/S - a CRS-16/S router
!CPU: 7457

Where the raw output is this:

cisco CRS-16/S (7457) processor with 4194304K bytes of memory.
7457 processor at 1197Mhz, Revision 1.2

So perhaps we could make it more descriptive?

2) show redundancy secondary

That syntax is not supported on the CRS-1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy secondary
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy ?
location Location to display
statistics Redundancy statistics information
summary Show summary of all redundant node pairs
trace Show redundancy trace data
| Output Modifiers

3) admin show env all output

None of the output of this command is making into the output from xrrancid

4) show diag chassis-info

This syntax is also not supported on the CRS-1

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh diag ?
0/0/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/1/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/11/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/12/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/13/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/14/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/15/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/2/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/3/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/4/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/5/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/6/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/8/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/9/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/RP0/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
0/RP1/CPU0 Fully qualified location specification
WORD Fully qualified location specification
WORD Partially qualified location specification
details display more details than the normal show diag
summary display a summary (one line per slot) of the chassis
| Output Modifiers

5) show controllers

This command requires an argument on the CRS-1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh controllers
% Incomplete command.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh controllers ?
ATM ATM Network Interface(s)
E1 E1 Port controller(s)
E3 E3 Port controller(s)
GigabitEthernet GigabitEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
MgmtEth Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
MgmtMultilink Controller for the management of multilink interfacess
POS Packet over SONET/SDH network interface(s)
SONET SONET/SDH Port controller(s)
T1 T1 Port controller(s)
T3 T3 Port controller(s)
asic Select ASIC to peek & poke.
asic-scan Generic ASIC Scan
cpuctrl Show commands for the cpuctrl ASIC
egressq Egressq show commands
egressq Show Egress Queue Manager information
fabricq Fabric queue ASIC show screens.
fia Display Fabric Interface ASIC (FIA) information
ingressq Show commands for the ingressq queueing ASIC.
karachi Karachi Framer information
null show commands for null interface
plim PLIM Information
plim-oc768 OC768 PLIM information
pm Show commands for Platform-mgr.
pse Packet Switching Engine information
services show PLIM services Information
system System controller information

6) show vlan

This command also requires an argument on the CRS-1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan
% Incomplete command.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan ?
interface VLAN interface status and configuration
tags VLAN tag allocation
trunks VLAN trunks status and configuration

7) We should also have the command "admin show running-config" added. The reason for this is that on multi-chassis systems each chassis has it S/N entered and is assigned a rack number. In addition, fabric chassis information is recorded here.

Single chassis

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show running-config
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show run
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret 5 <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local
dsc serial TBA12380069 rack 240
dsc serial TBA12380105 rack 0
dsc serial TBM15055938 rack 1
controllers fabric plane 0
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM9/FM
controllers fabric plane 1
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM6/FM
controllers fabric plane 2
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM3/FM
controllers fabric plane 3
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM0/FM
controllers fabric plane 4
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM12/FM
controllers fabric plane 5
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM15/FM
controllers fabric plane 6
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM18/FM
controllers fabric plane 7
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM21/FM

If anyone wants to look into these issues, I will be more than happy to work with them and provide output/feedback!

john heasley
2011-08-25 00:29:31 UTC
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
1) Show Version
2 Management Ethernet
192 GigabitEthernet
95 Packet over SONET/SDH
1019k bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
76170M bytes of hard disk.
2049888k bytes of disk0: (Sector size 512 bytes).
It is also showing the processor as
!Chassis type: CRS-16/S - a CRS-16/S router
!CPU: 7457
cisco CRS-16/S (7457) processor with 4194304K bytes of memory.
7457 processor at 1197Mhz, Revision 1.2
So perhaps we could make it more descriptive?
That is intentional; sort of an artifact of rancid's day 1 behavior. it is
a CRS 16 router and that is the model of the cpu. the memory should follow
those lines, such as an ASR:

!Memory: main 4194304K
!Memory: nvram 219k
!Memory: pcmcia disk0 1605616k
!Memory: pcmcia disk1 1605616k

perhaps this isn't happening for the CRS? I dont have access to any; the ASR
is bad enough :)
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
2) show redundancy secondary
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy secondary
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy ?
location Location to display
statistics Redundancy statistics information
summary Show summary of all redundant node pairs
trace Show redundancy trace data
| Output Modifiers
I think this was blindly assumed from IOS-rancid. Does the ASR 1k have this
command? the 9k doesnt support it.
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
3) admin show env all output
None of the output of this command is making into the output from xrrancid
Looks like RSP LED info (perhaps) and PS capacity are the only interesting
bits on the ASR. on the CRS?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
4) show diag chassis-info
This syntax is also not supported on the CRS-1
nor on the 9k. on the 1k? Perhaps show diag summary is interesting; but it
seems mostly a duplicate of show inventory.
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
5) show controllers
also likely a remnant of IOS. on the 1k?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
6) show vlan
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan
% Incomplete command.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan ?
interface VLAN interface status and configuration
tags VLAN tag allocation
trunks VLAN trunks status and configuration
again, probably a remnant of IOS switches. the 9k doesnt have show vlan.
do those show anything interesting that isnt in the config?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
7) We should also have the command "admin show running-config" added. The reason for this is that on multi-chassis systems each chassis has it S/N entered and is assigned a rack number. In addition, fabric chassis information is recorded here.
Single chassis
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show running-config
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show run
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret 5 <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local
dsc serial TBA12380069 rack 240
dsc serial TBA12380105 rack 0
dsc serial TBM15055938 rack 1
controllers fabric plane 0
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM9/FM
controllers fabric plane 1
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM6/FM
controllers fabric plane 2
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM3/FM
controllers fabric plane 3
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM0/FM
controllers fabric plane 4
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM12/FM
controllers fabric plane 5
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM15/FM
controllers fabric plane 6
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM18/FM
controllers fabric plane 7
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM21/FM
Per Carlson
2011-08-25 09:06:36 UTC
Post by john heasley
I think this was blindly assumed from IOS-rancid.
Very much of the xrrancid(.in) code is just copied from plain
rancid(.in) despite having a lot of new commands, and not least, a
total remake of the config file.
Post by john heasley
Does the ASR 1k have this command?  the 9k doesnt support it.
Just a small comment John: ASR1k doesn't run IOS XR, but IOS XE. The
only Cisco devices (currently) which run IOS XR are CRS-1/3, ASR9k and
XR12k. Note that a 12k/GSR can run either IOS or IOS XR.

I do have an updated xrrancid.in in the works, it just needs some fine
tuning. I'll post it here when it's ready.

RFC1925, truth 11:
 Every old idea will be proposed again with a different name and
 a different presentation, regardless of whether it works.
Mack, David A (Dave)
2011-08-25 14:33:51 UTC
Hello! Thanks for getting back to me! Based on your responses, here is what I see:

Item 1)

Yes, xrrancid is picking up the memory from sh version

!Chassis type: CRS-16/S - a CRS-16/S router
!CPU: 7457
!Memory: main 4194304K
!Memory: nvram 1019k
!Memory: pcmcia disk0 2049888k

So it is working as designed

Item 2)

I can't speak for the ASR series. We don't have any, but for the CRS-1, I would recommend "show redundancy". Here is the output

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh redundancy
Redundancy information for node 0/RP0/CPU0:
Node 0/RP0/CPU0 is in ACTIVE role
Partner node (0/RP1/CPU0) is in STANDBY role
Standby node in 0/RP1/CPU0 is ready
Standby node in 0/RP1/CPU0 is NSR-ready

Reload and boot info
RP reloaded Thu Feb 24 06:19:05 2011: 26 weeks, 7 hours, 35 minutes ago
Active node booted Thu Feb 24 06:19:05 2011: 26 weeks, 7 hours, 35 minutes ago
Standby node boot Thu Feb 24 06:17:54 2011: 26 weeks, 7 hours, 36 minutes ago
Standby node last went not ready Thu Aug 4 21:39:49 2011: 2 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes ago
Standby node last went ready Thu Aug 4 21:39:51 2011: 2 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes ago
Standby node last went not NSR-ready Thu Aug 25 13:39:31 2011: 15 minutes ago
Standby node last went NSR-ready Thu Aug 25 13:39:32 2011: 15 minutes ago
There have been 0 switch-overs since reload

Active node reload "Cause: Lost Connection to all fabric racks"
Standby node reload "Cause: HBAgent reloading node on receiving reload notification"

Redundancy information for node 1/RP0/CPU0:
Node 1/RP0/CPU0 is in ACTIVE role
Partner node (1/RP1/CPU0) is in STANDBY role
Standby node in 1/RP1/CPU0 is ready
Standby node in 1/RP1/CPU0 is NSR-ready

Reload and boot info
RP reloaded Fri Jul 15 05:39:32 2011: 5 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes ago
Active node booted Fri Jul 15 05:39:32 2011: 5 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes ago
Standby node boot Fri Jul 15 05:39:29 2011: 5 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes ago
Standby node last went not ready Fri Aug 19 05:05:59 2011: 6 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes ago
Standby node last went ready Fri Aug 19 05:08:24 2011: 6 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes ago
There have been 0 switch-overs since reload

Active node reload "Cause: self-reset to use new boot image"
Standby node reload "Cause: self-reset to use new boot image"

Item 3)
The output from "admin show env all" is quite verbose on the CRS-1. It includes readings for the following:
Temperature readings from LOTS of sensors
Threshold Information for temperatures
Voltage Information
LED Information
Fan Information
Power supply information

I will not post the full output here, but anyone wants it, I can provide sample output.
Personally, I don't know what I would want from this command

Item 4)
On the CRS-1 "show diag summary" is far less verbose than show inventory:

Show inventory:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh inventory
NAME: "0/0/*", DESCR: "Cisco CRS-1 Series Modular Services Card revision B"
PID: CRS-MSC-B , VID: V06, SN: SAD142803SV

NAME: "0/PL0/*", DESCR: "Cisco CRS-1 Series 1xOC768/STM256 POS Interface Module/SR"
PID: 1OC768-POS-SR , VID: V06, SN: SAD1444027H

NAME: "0/0/CPU0/0", DESCR: "OC768 PLIM - Optic Port"
PID: , VID: N/A, SN:

NAME: "0/0/CPU0/129", DESCR: "CPU_PORT_1"
PID: , VID: N/A, SN:

NAME: "0/1/*", DESCR: "Cisco CRS-1 Series Modular Services Card revision B"
PID: CRS-MSC-B , VID: V06, SN: SAD142302BU

NAME: "0/PL1/*", DESCR: "Cisco Carrier Routing System SPA Interface Processor Card"
PID: CRS1-SIP-800 , VID: V04, SN: SAD1434005N

NAME: "0/1/CPU0/129", DESCR: "CPU_PORT_1"
PID: , VID: N/A, SN:

NAME: "0/1/0", DESCR: "8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2"
PID: SPA-8X1GE-V2 , VID: V02, SN: JAE143302E5

NAME: "0/1/0/0", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022G

NAME: "0/1/0/1", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022P

NAME: "0/1/0/2", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022R

NAME: "0/1/0/3", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022Q

NAME: "0/1/0/4", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022M

NAME: "0/1/0/5", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431007N

NAME: "0/1/0/6", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431007M

NAME: "0/1/0/7", DESCR: "GE LX"
PID: SFP-GE-L , VID: V01 , SN: SPC1431022N
----- SNIP -------

Show diag summary

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh diag summary

CARD 0/0/* : Cisco CRS-1 Series Modular Services Card revision B
PLIM 0/PL0/* : Cisco CRS-1 Series 1xOC768/STM256 POS Interface Module/SR
CARD 0/1/* : Cisco CRS-1 Series Modular Services Card revision B
PLIM 0/PL1/* : Cisco Carrier Routing System SPA Interface Processor Card
SPA 0/1/0 : 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2
SPA 0/1/1 : 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2
SPA 0/1/2 : 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2
SPA 0/1/3 : 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2
SPA 0/1/4 : 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter_V2
CARD 0/2/* : Cisco CRS-1 Series Modular Services Card revision B
PLIM 0/PL2/* : Cisco Carrier Routing System SPA Interface Processor Card
SPA 0/2/0 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
SPA 0/2/1 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
SPA 0/2/2 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
SPA 0/2/3 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
SPA 0/2/4 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
SPA 0/2/5 : 8-port OC12/STM4 POS Shared Port Adapters
----- SNIP ------

Item 5)
Yeah, the "show controllers" command is not much help on the CRS-1.

Item 6)
The show vlan command does not show anything interesting for the CRS-1.

If anyone wants any output/feedback on the CRS-1. Please let me know!


-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 8:30 PM
To: Mack, David A (Dave)
Cc: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: Re: [rancid] XRRANCID with CRS-1 devices
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
1) Show Version
2 Management Ethernet
192 GigabitEthernet
95 Packet over SONET/SDH
1019k bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
76170M bytes of hard disk.
2049888k bytes of disk0: (Sector size 512 bytes).
It is also showing the processor as
!Chassis type: CRS-16/S - a CRS-16/S router
!CPU: 7457
cisco CRS-16/S (7457) processor with 4194304K bytes of memory.
7457 processor at 1197Mhz, Revision 1.2
So perhaps we could make it more descriptive?
That is intentional; sort of an artifact of rancid's day 1 behavior. it is
a CRS 16 router and that is the model of the cpu. the memory should follow
those lines, such as an ASR:

!Memory: main 4194304K
!Memory: nvram 219k
!Memory: pcmcia disk0 1605616k
!Memory: pcmcia disk1 1605616k

perhaps this isn't happening for the CRS? I dont have access to any; the ASR
is bad enough :)
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
2) show redundancy secondary
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy secondary
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show redundancy ?
location Location to display
statistics Redundancy statistics information
summary Show summary of all redundant node pairs
trace Show redundancy trace data
| Output Modifiers
I think this was blindly assumed from IOS-rancid. Does the ASR 1k have this
command? the 9k doesnt support it.
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
3) admin show env all output
None of the output of this command is making into the output from xrrancid
Looks like RSP LED info (perhaps) and PS capacity are the only interesting
bits on the ASR. on the CRS?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
4) show diag chassis-info
This syntax is also not supported on the CRS-1
nor on the 9k. on the 1k? Perhaps show diag summary is interesting; but it
seems mostly a duplicate of show inventory.
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
5) show controllers
also likely a remnant of IOS. on the 1k?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
6) show vlan
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan
% Incomplete command.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#sh vlan ?
interface VLAN interface status and configuration
tags VLAN tag allocation
trunks VLAN trunks status and configuration
again, probably a remnant of IOS switches. the 9k doesnt have show vlan.
do those show anything interesting that isnt in the config?
Post by Mack, David A (Dave)
7) We should also have the command "admin show running-config" added. The reason for this is that on multi-chassis systems each chassis has it S/N entered and is assigned a rack number. In addition, fabric chassis information is recorded here.
Single chassis
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show running-config
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ROUTER#admin show run
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Admin Configuration 3.9.0
username root
group root-system
group cisco-support
secret 5 <removed>
aaa authentication login remote local
dsc serial TBA12380069 rack 240
dsc serial TBA12380105 rack 0
dsc serial TBM15055938 rack 1
controllers fabric plane 0
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM9/FM
controllers fabric plane 1
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM6/FM
controllers fabric plane 2
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM3/FM
controllers fabric plane 3
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM0/FM
controllers fabric plane 4
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM12/FM
controllers fabric plane 5
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM15/FM
controllers fabric plane 6
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM18/FM
controllers fabric plane 7
oim count 1
oim width 1
oim instance 0 location F0/SM21/FM
