[rancid] PaloAlto backup not working
b38911 Zxc
2015-07-10 08:16:58 UTC

I just configured RANCID 3.2. All is working fine for cisco devices.
I tried to set up the backup for palo alto device, but it looks like it is
not working, output files are empty. If I run

# ./rancid -d -t paloalto paloaltofw

I get the following result

loadtype: device type paloalto
loadtype: found device type paloalto in etc/rancid.types.base
executing panlogin -t 90 -c"set cli scripting-mode on;set cli pager
off;show system info;show config running" paloaltofw
swstapacf01: missed cmd(s): all commands
swstapacf01: End of run not found
swstapacf01: End of run not found

If I try to run the panlogin script manually, the configuration is
correctly retrieved

# ./panlogin -t 90 -c"set cli scripting-mode on;set cli pager off;show
system info;show config running" paloaltofw

Do you have an idea about the possible issue?


