[rancid] rancid 2.3.4 sending empty emails "Routers changed to
Iñaki Martínez Díez
2011-01-25 07:34:06 UTC

Thanks to john heasley this problem is SOLVED!!!!!

The problem was that my system Debian the parameters "-u -4" was obsolete
and the diff command tells we must use "-U 4".

Since I upgraded to rancid 2.3.4 I receive (not always but very
"Routers changed to down:"
this is most likely a problem with the configure script choosing the
options for diff(1). check what it chose in control_rancid. i believe
this is fixed in more recent versions.
207: diff -u -4 routers.all routers.all.new > /dev/null 2>&1; RALL=$?
211: diff -u -4 routers.down routers.down.new > /dev/null 2>&1; RDOWN=$?
215: diff -u -4 routers.up routers.up.new > /dev/null 2>&1; RUP=$?
459: cvs -f diff -u -4 -ko | sed -e '/^RCS file: /d' -e '/^--- /d' \
460: -e '/^+++ /d' -e 's/^\([-+ ]\)/\1 /' >$TMP.diff
462: svn diff | sed -e '/^+++ /d' -e 's/^\([-+ ]\)/\1 /' >$TMP.diff
see PATH in rancid.conf. does the diff that would be used as a result of
that PATH support options -u and -4?
Iñaki Martínez Díez
Departamento de redes
acens Technologies S.L.
Teléfono: 637 772 156

Fax: 911 418 501
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