[rancid] End of run not found... Running rancid 2.3.2 version
Sam Munzani
2009-07-29 19:00:45 UTC

Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.

clogin -c "show run" lab-rtr1 works fine and the last line I see is end.

Below is debug output.
$: rancid -d lab-rtr1
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show
redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin
show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show
diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show
variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all
slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all
slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all
harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all
slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all
slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all
slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all
sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all
sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all
sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers
cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe
version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show
vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show
running-config;write term" lab-rtr1
PROMPT MATCH: lab-rtr1#
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#admin show version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#show version
TYPE = WS-C6509-E
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
In ShowRedundancy: lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
In ShowIDprom: lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show install active
In ShowInstallActive: lab-rtr1#show install active
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#admin show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
In ShowRSP: lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show bootvar
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show bootvar
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show flash
In ShowFlash: lab-rtr1#show flash
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all nvram:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all nvram:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all bootflash:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slot0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slot0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all disk0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all disk0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slot1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slot1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all disk1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all disk1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slot2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slot2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all disk2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all disk2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all harddisk:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all harddisk:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all harddiska:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all harddiska:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all harddiskb:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all harddiskb:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sup-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sup-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sup-microcode:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sup-microcode:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavenvram:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavenvram:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavebootflash:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavebootflash:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slaveslot2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavedisk2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all slavesup-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all slavesup-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-nvram:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-nvram:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-bootflash:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-bootflash:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk0:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk0:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk1:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk1:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-slot2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk2:
In DirSlotN: lab-rtr1#dir /all sec-disk2:
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers
In ShowContAll: lab-rtr1#show controllers
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
In ShowContCbus: lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diagbus
In ShowDiagbus: lab-rtr1#show diagbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#admin show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show module
In ShowModule: lab-rtr1#show module
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show spe version
In ShowSpeVersion: lab-rtr1#show spe version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show c7200
In ShowC7200: lab-rtr1#show c7200
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
In ShowInventory: lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vtp status
In ShowVTP: lab-rtr1#show vtp status
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show debug
In ShowDebug: lab-rtr1#show debug
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
Lance Vermilion
2009-07-29 19:19:08 UTC
Has rancid ever ran successful against this router before? Make sure you are
running rancid as the same user as it would run via cron. Make sure
the environmentals are the same.

Post by Sam Munzani
Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.
clogin -c "show run" lab-rtr1 works fine and the last line I see is end.
Below is debug output.
$: rancid -d lab-rtr1
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show
redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin
show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show
diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show
variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all
slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all
slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all
harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all
slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all
slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all
slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all
sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all
sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all
sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers
cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe
version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show
vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show
running-config;write term" lab-rtr1
PROMPT MATCH: lab-rtr1#
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#admin show version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#show version
TYPE = WS-C6509-E
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
In ShowRedundancy: lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
In ShowIDprom: lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show install active
In ShowInstallActive: lab-rtr1#show install active
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#admin show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
In ShowRSP: lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show bootvar
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show bootvar
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show flash
In ShowFlash: lab-rtr1#show flash
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers
In ShowContAll: lab-rtr1#show controllers
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
In ShowContCbus: lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diagbus
In ShowDiagbus: lab-rtr1#show diagbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#admin show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show module
In ShowModule: lab-rtr1#show module
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show spe version
In ShowSpeVersion: lab-rtr1#show spe version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show c7200
In ShowC7200: lab-rtr1#show c7200
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
In ShowInventory: lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vtp status
In ShowVTP: lab-rtr1#show vtp status
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show debug
In ShowDebug: lab-rtr1#show debug
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Sam Munzani
2009-07-29 19:43:08 UTC
I don't think rancid ever ran before on these devices. I am having
issues running it manually(rancid -d device-name or rancid-run -r
device-name). For some reason its not finding end of run so doesn't exit
clean. However I don't know why it doesn't find it because I do see
keywork "end" when type "show run" command upon clogin. I do clogin as
same user as the rancid-run executer.

Post by Lance Vermilion
Has rancid ever ran successful against this router before? Make sure
you are running rancid as the same user as it would run via cron. Make
sure the environmentals are the same.
Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.
clogin -c "show run" lab-rtr1 works fine and the last line I see is end.
Below is debug output.
$: rancid -d lab-rtr1
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show
redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin
show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show
diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show
variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all
slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all
slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all
harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all
slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all
slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all
slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all
sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all
sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all
sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers
cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe
version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show
vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show
running-config;write term" lab-rtr1
PROMPT MATCH: lab-rtr1#
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#admin show version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#show version
TYPE = WS-C6509-E
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
In ShowRedundancy: lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
In ShowIDprom: lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show install active
In ShowInstallActive: lab-rtr1#show install active
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#admin show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
In ShowRSP: lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show bootvar
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show bootvar
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show flash
In ShowFlash: lab-rtr1#show flash
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers
In ShowContAll: lab-rtr1#show controllers
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
In ShowContCbus: lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diagbus
In ShowDiagbus: lab-rtr1#show diagbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#admin show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show module
In ShowModule: lab-rtr1#show module
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show spe version
In ShowSpeVersion: lab-rtr1#show spe version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show c7200
In ShowC7200: lab-rtr1#show c7200
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
In ShowInventory: lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vtp status
In ShowVTP: lab-rtr1#show vtp status
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show debug
In ShowDebug: lab-rtr1#show debug
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Lance Vermilion
2009-07-29 21:08:28 UTC
The other possible option is that when exit is being run it doesn't return.
clean_run has to register as successful.

TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
if (/[>#]\s?exit$/) {
if (!$clean_run || !$found_end) {
print STDOUT "$host: End of run not found\n";
print STDERR "$host: End of run not found\n" if ($debug);
system("/usr/bin/tail -1 $host.new");
I don't think rancid ever ran before on these devices. I am having issues
running it manually(rancid -d device-name or rancid-run -r device-name). For
some reason its not finding end of run so doesn't exit clean. However I
don't know why it doesn't find it because I do see keywork "end" when type
"show run" command upon clogin. I do clogin as same user as the rancid-run
Has rancid ever ran successful against this router before? Make sure you
are running rancid as the same user as it would run via cron. Make sure
the environmentals are the same.
Post by Sam Munzani
Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.
clogin -c "show run" lab-rtr1 works fine and the last line I see is end.
Below is debug output.
$: rancid -d lab-rtr1
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show
redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin
show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show
diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show
variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all
slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all
slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all
harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all
slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all
slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all
slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all
sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all
sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all
sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers
cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe
version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show
vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show
running-config;write term" lab-rtr1
PROMPT MATCH: lab-rtr1#
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#admin show version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show version
In ShowVersion: lab-rtr1#show version
TYPE = WS-C6509-E
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
In ShowRedundancy: lab-rtr1#show redundancy secondary
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
In ShowIDprom: lab-rtr1#show idprom backplane
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show install active
In ShowInstallActive: lab-rtr1#show install active
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#admin show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show env all
In ShowEnv: lab-rtr1#show env all
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
In ShowRSP: lab-rtr1#show rsp chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show gsr chassis
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
In ShowGSR: lab-rtr1#show diag chassis-info
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show bootvar
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show bootvar
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#admin show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show variables boot
In ShowBoot: lab-rtr1#show variables boot
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show flash
In ShowFlash: lab-rtr1#show flash
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers
In ShowContAll: lab-rtr1#show controllers
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
In ShowContCbus: lab-rtr1#show controllers cbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diagbus
In ShowDiagbus: lab-rtr1#show diagbus
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#admin show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#admin show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show diag
In ShowDiag: lab-rtr1#show diag
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show module
In ShowModule: lab-rtr1#show module
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show spe version
In ShowSpeVersion: lab-rtr1#show spe version
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show c7200
In ShowC7200: lab-rtr1#show c7200
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
In ShowInventory: lab-rtr1#show inventory raw
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vtp status
In ShowVTP: lab-rtr1#show vtp status
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
In ShowVLAN: lab-rtr1#show vlan-switch
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#show debug
In ShowDebug: lab-rtr1#show debug
HIT COMMAND:lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
lab-rtr1: End of run not found
Rancid-discuss mailing list
john heasley
2009-07-30 22:31:05 UTC
Post by Sam Munzani
Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
do those three commands work on your system?

this reeks of a timing issue; aka solaris/linux w/o the expect patch. are
you guilty? i thought that you were a fbsd guy; maybe the port changed
Sam Munzani
2009-07-30 22:40:01 UTC
Post by john heasley
Post by Sam Munzani
Can you please point me to right direction of troubleshooting? This is a
very simple thing. A cisco router configured for rancid. no autoenable.
clogin to the device works fine. However rancid script keeps giving me
end of run not found error. When I run "show run" it clearly shows key
word "end" at the end of config. Don't know why the script is not
catching it.
In WriteTerm: lab-rtr1#more system:running-config
lab-rtr1: missed cmd(s): write term,show running-config
do those three commands work on your system?
write term is not a valid command on my device with tacacs
authentication/authorization. It restricts us to "show running-config" only.
more system:running-config is an ASA only command and this is a router
so its not going to work for sure.
Only the command that works is show running-config. I will try again
with other commands remarked out and with only "show running" and see
how it goes.
Post by john heasley
this reeks of a timing issue; aka solaris/linux w/o the expect patch. are
you guilty? i thought that you were a fbsd guy; maybe the port changed
I am still a freebsd guy but at work I have to follow our corporate
standards. Since I work for Sun Microsystems, guess what operating
system would be our standard? I still have rancid at home on my FreeBSD
box for personal experiments :-)

Sam Munzani
2009-08-04 15:11:04 UTC

My comments inline,
Post by Sam Munzani
more system:running-config is an ASA only command and this is a router
so its not going to work for sure.
it works on mine, but be version dependent. its fine if it doesnt work,
but i suspect that it is working and triggering the timing problem. see
the rancid web page for an explaination of the timing or hanging issue.
the 'end' in your test output was in the .out file or the .raw file? try
it with NOPIPE set and see which command(s) are working.
I don't even see any .out files in /tmp or rancid log dir. Neither I see
raw files.
Post by Sam Munzani
Only the command that works is show running-config. I will try again
with other commands remarked out and with only "show running" and see
how it goes.
Post by john heasley
this reeks of a timing issue; aka solaris/linux w/o the expect patch.
I looked on rancid patch and there is reference of patch for Solaris 2.6
or 9. It doesn't mention Solaris 10.

Also, which file do I modify for hack2 mentioned at
ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/expect-hack2? I don't seem to have
exp_chan.c file on my file system.
Jethro R Binks
2009-08-04 15:21:09 UTC
Post by Sam Munzani
My comments inline,
more system:running-config is an ASA only command and this is a router so
its not going to work for sure.
it works on mine, but be version dependent. its fine if it doesnt
work, but i suspect that it is working and triggering the timing
problem. see the rancid web page for an explaination of the timing or
hanging issue.
the 'end' in your test output was in the .out file or the .raw file?
try it with NOPIPE set and see which command(s) are working.
I don't even see any .out files in /tmp or rancid log dir. Neither I see raw
IIRC they are written to your current directory. Ensure whereever you are
is writeable to you when you run it.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jethro R Binks
Computing Officer, IT Services, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Sam Munzani
2009-08-04 15:22:39 UTC
I figured out my problem.

The issue is my customer is using TACACS command authorization and more
system:running-config is not an authorized command which caused that
command to exit without clean run.

rtr-lab1#more system:running-config
Command authorization failed.

I remarked out that command and things are working fine.

My host name is sanitized so many of you might have thought if this is
lab box then why didn't I know about command authorization. However I
don't control tacacs here and the real host is actually a customer device.

Post by Sam Munzani
My comments inline,
Post by Sam Munzani
more system:running-config is an ASA only command and this is a router
so its not going to work for sure.
it works on mine, but be version dependent. its fine if it doesnt work,
but i suspect that it is working and triggering the timing problem. see
the rancid web page for an explaination of the timing or hanging issue.
the 'end' in your test output was in the .out file or the .raw file? try
it with NOPIPE set and see which command(s) are working.
I don't even see any .out files in /tmp or rancid log dir. Neither I
see raw files.
Post by Sam Munzani
Only the command that works is show running-config. I will try again
with other commands remarked out and with only "show running" and see
how it goes.
Post by john heasley
this reeks of a timing issue; aka solaris/linux w/o the expect patch.
I looked on rancid patch and there is reference of patch for Solaris
2.6 or 9. It doesn't mention Solaris 10.
Also, which file do I modify for hack2 mentioned at
ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/expect-hack2? I don't seem to have
exp_chan.c file on my file system.
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