[rancid] rancid error
Jayant Jape
2009-10-23 10:19:03 UTC

I have installed rancid on rhel 5,details of which are given below:
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp

I have made entries in .cloginrc file:
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet

Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up

I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.

I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.

On checking I find I get this error below:
[***@testserver ~]$ bin/rancid -d <IP of router>
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>

Could let me know what could be the problem.....?


Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Jayant Jape
2009-10-26 07:52:20 UTC
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.

Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.

Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP of router>: End of run not found

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009

With regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Jayant Jape
2009-10-26 08:30:16 UTC
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.

Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.

Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP of router>: End of run not found

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009

With regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show m
odule;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Post by Jayant Jape
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.

Rancid-discuss mailing list

Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Jose Madrid
2009-10-26 15:28:07 UTC

For my purposes, I have made the rancid tacacs user a full-access user and
member of the Network Admin group. This means enable upon login and full
access. But if you wanted to be really secure, you would simply need to
give the rancid user access to the list of commands for your device type.

As far as your issue goes, I am not sure. I saw your debug output, but I
didnt see any error messages. Can you please post the full output of the
bin/rancid -d for us again.
Post by Jayant Jape
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.
Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the
user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.
Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user --
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all
sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir
/all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all
disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all
slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all
sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show
module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all
slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all
sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all
slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show
vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all
<IP of router>: End of run not found
cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs
ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009
With regards,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software,
Post by Jayant Jape
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same
with other switches it's the same.
Post by Jayant Jape
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip>
command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
Post by Jayant Jape
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy
secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show
env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show
boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show
flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all
disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir
/all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all
sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all
slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all
slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all
slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all
sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all
sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show
controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show
diag;show m
odule;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show
vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show
running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Post by Jayant Jape
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This
message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official
policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed
by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any
errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses
in this message or any attachment.
Post by Jayant Jape
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This
message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official
policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally
signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for
any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of
viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This
message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official
policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally
signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for
any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of
viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place than
here? What better time than now?
Jayant Jape
2009-10-27 10:01:42 UTC
Dear jose,

Thanks for suggestion !
I shall do the same.

Please find the log for bin/rancid -d command.

[***@testserver ~]$ bin/rancid -d
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy second ary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;sh ow rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootv ar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:; dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:; dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slav eslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slo t0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slo t2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admi n show diag;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw ;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-confi g;show running-config;write term"
sh: clogin: command not found missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: End of run not found End of run not found


From: Jose Madrid [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 8:58 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Cc: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: Re: [rancid] Re: rancid error


For my purposes, I have made the rancid tacacs user a full-access user and member of the Network Admin group. This means enable upon login and full access. But if you wanted to be really secure, you would simply need to give the rancid user access to the list of commands for your device type.
As far as your issue goes, I am not sure. I saw your debug output, but I didnt see any error messages. Can you please post the full output of the bin/rancid -d for us again.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Jayant Jape <***@tikona.in<mailto:***@tikona.in>> wrote:
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.

Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.

Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M<>: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP of router>: End of run not found

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009

With regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net<mailto:***@shrubbery.net>]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show m
odule;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Post by Jayant Jape
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.

Rancid-discuss mailing list

Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.

Rancid-discuss mailing list

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?

Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Jayant Jape
2009-10-27 10:05:52 UTC
Dear jose,

Thanks for suggestion !
I shall do the same.

Please find the log for bin/rancid -d command.

[***@testserver ~]$ bin/rancid -d
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy second ary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;sh ow rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootv ar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:; dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:; dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slav eslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slo t0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slo t2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admi n show diag;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw ;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-confi g;show running-config;write term"
sh: clogin: command not found missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: End of run not found End of run not found


From: Jose Madrid [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 8:58 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Cc: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: Re: [rancid] Re: rancid error


For my purposes, I have made the rancid tacacs user a full-access user and member of the Network Admin group. This means enable upon login and full access. But if you wanted to be really secure, you would simply need to give the rancid user access to the list of commands for your device type.
As far as your issue goes, I am not sure. I saw your debug output, but I didnt see any error messages. Can you please post the full output of the bin/rancid -d for us again.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Jayant Jape <***@tikona.in<mailto:***@tikona.in>> wrote:
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.

Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.

Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M<>: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP of router>: End of run not found

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009

With regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net<mailto:***@shrubbery.net>]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show m
odule;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Post by Jayant Jape
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.

Rancid-discuss mailing list

Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.

Rancid-discuss mailing list

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?

Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.

Warning : This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. ("TDN" ) unless digitally signed by TDN's authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
Jayant Jape
2009-10-27 10:13:20 UTC
I have added the user in tacacas with admin rights.Im getting the logs...!!!

[***@testserver logs]$ more Core.20091027.153335
starting: Tue Oct 27 15:33:35 IST 2009

Trying to get all of the configs.
All routers sucessfully completed.

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs
Checking in configs/<ip1>;
/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/Core/configs/<IP>,v <--
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
Checking in configs/<ip2>;
/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/Core/configs/<IP>,v <--

new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1

ending: Tue Oct 27 15:34:07 IST 2009

From: Jayant Jape
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:32 PM
To: 'Jose Madrid'
Cc: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: RE: [rancid] Re: rancid error

Dear jose,

Thanks for suggestion !
I shall do the same.

Please find the log for bin/rancid -d command.

[***@testserver ~]$ bin/rancid -d <IP>
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy second ary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;sh ow rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootv ar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:; dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:; dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slav eslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slo t0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slo t2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admi n show diag;show diag;show module;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw ;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-confi g;show running-config;write term" <IP>
sh: clogin: command not found missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,show rsp chassi s-info,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,show gsr chassis,dir /all s ec-nvram:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show sp e version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,show install active,show bootvar, dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram :,show flash,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0 :,dir /all harddiskb:,show variables boot,show boot,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show env all,show module,admin show env all,show controllers,admin s how version,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show de bug,show idprom backplane,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-d isk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /al l harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slaveboot flash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all nvram:,show version,s how vlan-switch,admin show variables boot,show redundancy secondary,show running -config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP>: End of run not found
<IP>: End of run not found


From: Jose Madrid [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 8:58 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Cc: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: Re: [rancid] Re: rancid error


For my purposes, I have made the rancid tacacs user a full-access user and member of the Network Admin group. This means enable upon login and full access. But if you wanted to be really secure, you would simply need to give the rancid user access to the list of commands for your device type.
As far as your issue goes, I am not sure. I saw your debug output, but I didnt see any error messages. Can you please post the full output of the bin/rancid -d for us again.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Jayant Jape <***@tikona.in<mailto:***@tikona.in>> wrote:
Under /usr/local/rancid/var/logs.... im getting errors.

Also Few queries Should rancid belong to root group and second since the user is also a tacacs user, will it suffice to have a monitor access.

Getting missed routers: round 4.
write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re ^H+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
^M *]*Mum-Mha-CR0([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
} -re {..."
invoked from within
"expect {
-re "\b+" { exp_continue }
-re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt" { send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)"
-re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
(procedure "run_commands" line 39)
invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
("foreach" body line 149)
invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
set router [string tolower $router]
# attempt at platform switching.
set platform ""
send_user ..."
(file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin" line 723)^M<>: missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show module,show controllers,show diagbus,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1:
<IP of router>: End of run not found

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Oct 26 13:01:40 IST 2009

With regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:***@shrubbery.net<mailto:***@shrubbery.net>]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
To: Jayant Jape
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid error
Post by Jayant Jape
Version of linux RHEL 5 os: 2.6.18-92.el5
Version of rancid: rancid-2.3.2
Im trying to backup a 7609 cisco router: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp
add password <ip of router> {passwd} {en-passwd}
add method <ip of router> telnet
Also made entry in router.db
<ip of router>:cisco:up
I seem to get empty config file for particular ip.I have checked the same with other switches it's the same.
I have also checked if it goes into enable mode using bin/clogin <ip> command and doesn't seem to be a problem.
executing clogin -t 90 -c"admin show version;show version;show redundancy secondary;show idprom backplane;show install active;admin show env all;show env all;show rsp chassis-info;show gsr chassis;show diag chassis-info;show boot;show bootvar;admin show variables boot;show variables boot;show flash;dir /all nvram:;dir /all bootflash:;dir /all slot0:;dir /all disk0:;dir /all slot1:;dir /all disk1:;dir /all slot2:;dir /all disk2:;dir /all harddisk:;dir /all harddiska:;dir /all harddiskb:;dir /all sup-bootflash:;dir /all sup-microcode:;dir /all slavenvram:;dir /all slavebootflash:;dir /all slaveslot0:;dir /all slavedisk0:;dir /all slaveslot1:;dir /all slavedisk1:;dir /all slaveslot2:;dir /all slavedisk2:;dir /all slavesup-bootflash:;dir /all sec-nvram:;dir /all sec-bootflash:;dir /all sec-slot0:;dir /all sec-disk0:;dir /all sec-slot1:;dir /all sec-disk1:;dir /all sec-slot2:;dir /all sec-disk2:;show controllers;show controllers cbus;show diagbus;admin show diag;show diag;show m
odule;show spe version;show c7200;show inventory raw;show vtp status;show vlan;show vlan-switch;show debug;more system:running-config;show running-config;write term" <Ip of router>
Post by Jayant Jape
Could let me know what could be the problem.....?
look in the log file for errors
Post by Jayant Jape
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