[rancid] Re: Rancid with a cisco
Lance Vermilion
2008-11-25 20:27:30 UTC
When you login do you go straight to enable mode? I so your problem is
likely an issue with autoenable. By default rancid assumes you have to
enable to get to priv mode.
I have some difficulties on a new cisco.
I had it on my cloginrc with the same configuration than others cisco.
and clogin can connect
but with the rancid-run , I have on the log : TIMEOUT
with the debug mod : rancid -d
it can connect but after TIMEOUT ...
I guess I had already this problem before and I fixed it.. but how I did that ... i can t remember.
The path is correct (with the binary of rancid) and the user is rancid
Do you have any idea ?
Many thanks
Lance Vermilion
2008-11-26 21:27:44 UTC
Does it work with "clogin" does that allow you to be logged
in and run commands manually? If so try
clogin -c "show run"

If that works then make sure you run the commands as the user "backup"
as specified in your .cloginrc
No. I m not login straight enable.
# - cisco
add user backup
add password XXXX XXXX
add method telnet
add autonenable 1
it s like that I m doing the backup of all my cisco. It s the same configuration for all of them. And just this new one (the new one on the production machine instead of test machine) doesn t work.
I dont really understand.
Maybe I missed some rights on a . somewhere ?
Any clue except the autoenable ?
many thanks Lance
Post by Lance Vermilion
When you login do you go straight to enable mode? I so your problem is
likely an issue with autoenable. By default rancid assumes you have to
enable to get to priv mode.
I have some difficulties on a new cisco.
I had it on my cloginrc with the same configuration than others cisco.
and clogin can connect
but with the rancid-run , I have on the log : TIMEOUT
with the debug mod : rancid -d
it can connect but after TIMEOUT ...
I guess I had already this problem before and I fixed it.. but how I did that ... i can t remember.
The path is correct (with the binary of rancid) and the user is rancid
Do you have any idea ?
Many thanks
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