[rancid] Cisco WLC error in log
Dean Searle
2012-06-13 16:56:40 UTC

I'm trying to get my Cisco 2504 WLC to talk with RANCID. With the help of the posts from here


I have been able to get the router.db and .cloginrc setup correctly. I also have included the information into rancid-fe.

Here is the line in router.db

add user 172.x.x.x {user}
add autoenable 172.x.x.x 1
add password 172.x.x.x {password} {password}
add method 172.x.x.x ssh

If I manually do the following it works great:
***@akuma:~$ bin/clogin 172.x.x.x
spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l {user} 172.x.x.x

(Cisco Controller)
(Cisco Controller) >
(Cisco Controller) >show udi

NAME: "Chassis" , DESCR: "Cisco 2500 Series Wireless LAN Controller"
PID: AIR-CT2504-K9, VID: V01, SN:

(Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
Product Version..................................
Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.16
Field Recovery Image Version..................... 1.0.0
Firmware Version................................. PIC 15.0

But when I run this:
***@akuma:~$ bin/rancid-run -r

I see this in the log:
Trying to get all of the configs.
couldn't read file "--^M": no such file or directory
172.x.x.x: missed cmd(s): show sysinfo,show udi,show run-config commands
172.x.x.x: End of run not found
Getting missed routers: round 1.
couldn't read file "--^M": no such file or directory
172.x.x.x: missed cmd(s): show sysinfo,show udi,show run-config commands
172.x.x.x: End of run not found

I'm not sure what file it couldn't read. If you could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. RANCID is a very nice program and has saved my hide a few times.

Thanks in advance!


Dean Searle
2012-06-14 17:36:48 UTC
I figured out my problem.

When I tried to run
***@akuma:~$ bin/wlogin -f .clogin 172.x.x.x
": no such file or directory

Couldn't figure out what file it wasn't able to find. After combing through the file wlogin I went to save it and noticed this:
File Name to Write [DOS Format]: bin/wlogin
I tried the same thing with clogin and it did not mention anything about [DOS Format]. So I renamed wlogin to wlogin.old and created a new file, copied the code into the file and tested it out.

It now works. Something must have happened when I scp'd the file to my ubuntu server.


Dean Searle
