[rancid] Blank spaces in password
Jose Leitao
2009-04-22 07:47:14 UTC
Hello everyone,

I'm having an issue with a device that has a blank space in the
password, lets say the password is "lala lala", my .cloginrc setup
looks like this:

add user lala
add autoenable 1
add password {lala lala}
add method ssh

If i try to clogin, it fails, with -d flag, I see this interesting bit:

"@[^\r\n]+ ([Pp]assword|passwd):"? yes
expect: set expect_out(0,string) "@'s password:"
expect: set expect_out(1,string) "password"
expect: set expect_out(spawn_id) "exp6"
expect: set expect_out(buffer) " \r\***@'s password:"
send: sending "lalalala\r" to { exp6 }
expect: continuing expect

It seems its taking the password "lala lala" and changing it to
"lalalala". I have tried putting the password in .cloginrc in
doble/single quotes ("lala lala") and using escapes like \s or \20 but
no luck. Any Ideas?

I'm using Debian and the rancid version is 2.3.2~a8-4.

Jorge Rivas
2009-04-22 14:36:19 UTC
Try this:
add user x.x.x.x bla
add password x.x.x.x {bla's password} {enable_password}
add method x.x.x.x telnet

* If enable password is something like "Gaylord Focker", then u
should put this -> {Gaylord\ Focker}
* The brackets have to be included in the configuration {...}

Jorge Rivas
Analista de Datos
Gerencia de Tecnología
Tel: 212-2799561 | Abreviado:
Tel Móvil: 412-7368898
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Jorge Rivas
2009-04-22 14:38:10 UTC
Try this:
add user x.x.x.x bla
add password x.x.x.x {bla's password} {enable_password}
add method x.x.x.x telnet

* If enable password is something like "Gaylord Focker", then u
should put this -> {Gaylord\ Focker}
* The brackets have to be included in the configuration {...}


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