[rancid] Strange rancid behaviour on Solaris
Mark Sumner
2008-06-27 09:20:44 UTC
I've recently moved my rancid install from linux to Solaris and have had
some strange behaviour since. Certain hosts (all cisco) no fail to allow
rancid to log in. The peculiarity that they exhibit is that rancid never
appears to send the username from it's configuration and sends a
carriage return instead, so I see the following:

User Access Verification


% Username: timeout expired!

The configurations are identical and I have tried this on both Solaris
10 and OpenSolaris 112008 using both the official expect package and the
latest blastwave version.

Has anyone else seen this happen or does anything have any pointers as
to what could be causing it? I've tried running it verbosely but I can't
see anything that doesn't match in the outputs between accessing from
Linux or Solaris
2008-06-27 11:11:21 UTC
Post by Mark Sumner
The configurations are identical and I have tried this on both Solaris
10 and OpenSolaris 112008 using both the official expect package and the
latest blastwave version.
SSH or Telnet [I'm guessing telnet]. You could try configuring SSH instead.

