[rancid] RANCID reporting strange things after OS upgrade
Rob Wynne
2009-03-16 18:27:11 UTC
We just upgraded the server which contains our RANCID install from
Debian Etch to Debian Lenny. After the upgrade, the following oddity

Every hour, when rancid-run is run by cron, the following email is
produced for each group:

From: ***@fileserv.america.net
To: rancid-<GROUP>@fileserv.america.net
Subject: changes in <GROUP> routers
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:21:35 -0400 (EDT)

Routers changed to down:

Sometimes it will also include a "Routers changed to up:" line, but in
neither case will it ever have an actual diff. The log file for the
group looks clean:

starting: Mon Mar 16 14:21:35 EDT 2009

Trying to get all of the configs.
All routers sucessfully completed.

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Mon Mar 16 14:21:45 EDT 2009

Any idea how to troubleshoot this? I'm baffled.

Rob Wynne
Senior Systems Administrator
ISP Alliance, Inc.
