[rancid] Git support in RANCID 3.6.2
Vincent Aniello
2017-05-15 20:45:35 UTC
Is git still supported in Rancid 3.6.2? From the RANCID documentation it would appear that it is, but when I run configure with the option -with-git I get the error:

configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-git

Is this a bug, a mistake on my part, or has git support been removed?

Thank you.


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2017-05-15 22:13:13 UTC
Post by Vincent Aniello
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-git
Is this a bug, a mistake on my part, or has git support been removed?
Thank you.
i distributed that without that option, by accident. it is fixed in the
current alpha tarball. sorry about that.
