[rancid] Question
Mohammad Hassan
2013-11-08 21:50:02 UTC

I'm having some issue with using Rancid on a Linux box. I am able to automate the process of entering Cisco and Fortinet CPE's and run commands. However, I cannot do this for Seimans devices. I can login into these devices automatically but I do cannot run any commands.

My suspicion is that this is because the prompt delimiter is different. In the Cisco and Fortinet world, there is a pound (#) and in the Seimans world it is (->).

Is there some place in the .cloginrc file where I can define the delimiter.

Here is a sample on Siemans:

Siemens 5930 DMT Router (5930-001) v6.3.080 Ready
Username: superuser
Password: ********
Logged in successfully!
Error: TIMEOUT reached
spawn telnet b1301969d2
Connected to B1301969D2.
Escape character is '^]'.

Here is a sample on a Cisco:

Username: superuser
B8867541D2#term length 0
B8867541D2#show arp | in 0030.44
Internet 0 0030.440c.5d5a ARPA Vlan1

Please let me know how I can adjust this!

Thanks in advance,
Mohammad Hasan
Alan McKinnon
2013-11-09 09:46:41 UTC
I assume you use clogin to log into the Siemans?

I can see 2 ways to approach this:

1. You can read these paragraphs in "man 5 cloginrc" in the DIRECTIVES

add enableprompt <router name glob> {"<enable prompt>"}
add passprompt <router name glob> {"<password prompt>"}

I've never used these myself so can't comment on their effectiveness.

2. A Siemans might just be an OEM device made by some other vendor that
is already supported in rancid, this might take some tracking down.

What does "show version" show? Is it very IOS-like?

If all else fails, you can run clogin with the -d option to get debug
output and you can see what is really going on
Post by Mohammad Hassan
I’m having some issue with using Rancid on a Linux box. I am able to
automate the process of entering Cisco and Fortinet CPE’s and run
commands. However, I cannot do this for Seimans devices. I can login
into these devices automatically but I do cannot run any commands.
My suspicion is that this is because the prompt delimiter is different.
In the Cisco and Fortinet world, there is a pound (#) and in the Seimans
world it is (->).
Is there some place in the .cloginrc file where I can define the delimiter.
*Here is a sample on Siemans:*
Siemens 5930 DMT Router (5930-001) v6.3.080 Ready
Username: superuser
Password: ********
Logged in successfully!
Error: TIMEOUT reached
spawn telnet b1301969d2
Connected to B1301969D2.
Escape character is '^]'.
*Here is a sample on a Cisco:*
Username: superuser
B8867541D2#term length 0
B8867541D2#show arp | in 0030.44
Internet 0 0030.440c.5d5a ARPA Vlan1
Please let me know how I can adjust this!
Thanks in advance,
Mohammad Hasan
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Alan McKinnon