[rancid] flash flash flash
Randy Bush
2011-07-05 07:08:18 UTC
freebsd 8.2
rancid 2.3.6

- !Flash: disk0: 4188659712 bytes total (2632343552 bytes free)
+ !Flash: disk0: 4188659712 bytes total (2632331264 bytes free)

i get a lot of these on ios and ios xr. i googled, searched the lists,
... and others whine too. but i have not seen an answer on list or in
faq. clearly i am missing something as this is common as all get out.

clue bat please

2011-07-05 12:20:58 UTC
Post by Randy Bush
freebsd 8.2
rancid 2.3.6
- !Flash: disk0: 4188659712 bytes total (2632343552 bytes free)
+ !Flash: disk0: 4188659712 bytes total (2632331264 bytes free)
i get a lot of these on ios and ios xr. i googled, searched the lists,
... and others whine too. but i have not seen an answer on list or in
faq. clearly i am missing something as this is common as all get out.
clue bat please
Certain files are not displayed in rancid. Take a look at ShowFlash
and DirSlotN in rancid to see which files are not displayed. eg
# Filter dhcp database
next if (/dhcp_[^. ]*\.txt/);

I added a 'redacted' variable - eg:
if (/dhcp[-_]database\s*$/) { # -LR- ignore
dhcp database changes
$redacted = 1; # -LR-
remember that a file has not been displayed
next; # -LR-
} # -LR-

and then suppress the bytes free line if files have not been displayed:
if (/.*\(\d+ bytes (free|used)\)/) { # -LR- want to
show bytes free?
if ($redacted) { next; } # -LR- not
when there are files that haven't been shown
} # -LR-


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