[rancid] rancid error "missing brace"
kamran ayub
2012-01-18 04:13:41 UTC
Dear Members,

I am running rancid with VCS .
I am editing my .clogrc file with correct format . but not able to
test any router/switch successfully with clogin command.
Format of .cloginrc file entries is as follws:
ad password hostname telnet_pwd {"enable_pwd"}

When i test command as : clogin router_hostname
it gives me error
as clogin error: Error: missing brace

Kindly suggest the correction.

Muhammad Kamran Ayub
shouldbe q931
2012-01-18 10:46:57 UTC
Post by kamran ayub
Dear Members,
I am running rancid with VCS .
I am editing my .clogrc file with correct format . but not able to
test any router/switch successfully with clogin command.
ad password hostname telnet_pwd {"enable_pwd"}
When i test command as : clogin router_hostname
it gives me error
as clogin error: Error: missing brace
Kindly suggest the correction.
Muhammad Kamran Ayub
from man cloginrc

Each line contains either white-space (blank line), a comment
which begins with the comment character '#' and may be preceded by
white-space, or one of the directives listed below.

Each line containing a directive is of the form:

add <directive> <hostname glob> {<value>} [{<value>} ...]


include {<file>}

Note: the braces ({}) surrounding the values is significant
when the values include TCL meta-characters. Best common practice is
to always enclose the values in braces. If a value includes a (left
or right) brace or space
character, it must be backslash-escaped, as in:

add user <hostname glob> {foo\}bar}
add user <hostname glob> {foo\ bar}

from the top of the cloginrc file

# add password <router name glob> <vty passwd> <enable passwd>

from an actual .cloginrc for a Cisco L3 switch running IOS

add user rancid
add password rancidpass enablepass
add method ssh

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started 2006-12-11 09:48:07 UTC