[rancid] Looking for F5 files
David Stubblefield
2008-02-08 02:13:28 UTC

I was looking to backup F5 configs and found the following thread in which it looks like this was done and 3 emails were attached. Hoping someone has those files and can send them to me. Thanks in advance.

-- Original Thread--


Thanks a lot for all your help. Pretty much you did all the work while I
watched what you are doing :-)..

Attached are cleaned up files. In f5rancid file, I have left some basic
functions(non platform specific) just in case we expand this script to
do a lot more than just "b list" output. In rancid-fe, we defined a new
device type "f5", f5login was copied from clogin and remarked some "term
length" statements we don't need on F5.

All 3 files are attached and working great. Please be aware, we are not
parsing anything at all. All its doing is basic function of running "b
list" command and capturing its output. As I expand more on this, I will
be sure to share with the audience here.

Again, thanks a lot for all your help today.


Lance Vermilion
2008-02-08 04:17:58 UTC

Here is the original thread that I added the files too.


Also here is the thread where I said I repackaged the F5 scripts in a
Rancid distribution.


Pretty soon those files will be moving to a wordpress blog so they
will be searchable on gheek.net along with a lot more.

Let me know if you need help.

Post by David Stubblefield
I was looking to backup F5 configs and found the following thread in which
it looks like this was done and 3 emails were attached. Hoping someone has
those files and can send them to me. Thanks in advance.
-- Original Thread--
Thanks a lot for all your help. Pretty much you did all the work while I
watched what you are doing :-)..
Attached are cleaned up files. In f5rancid file, I have left some basic
functions(non platform specific) just in case we expand this script to
do a lot more than just "b list" output. In rancid-fe, we defined a new
device type "f5", f5login was copied from clogin and remarked some "term
length" statements we don't need on F5.
All 3 files are attached and working great. Please be aware, we are not
parsing anything at all. All its doing is basic function of running "b
list" command and capturing its output. As I expand more on this, I will
be sure to share with the audience here.
Again, thanks a lot for all your help today.
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