[rancid] F5 Devices
2008-02-21 17:41:15 UTC
I saw discussions on F5 devices from last few months. I downloaded
the f5rancid_pl.txt and f5login_exp.txt files that were posted by
Lance. I put them in the bin directory and renamed them f5rancid and

I then edited rancid-fe and added in
'f5' => 'f5rancid',

in the vendortable section.

I then added my device to router.db and put the appropriate lines in
.clonginrc that was listed in the files, making changes as needed.

I then run rancid-run -r ch-f5sys01

And nothing in the logs.

I tried doing a f5login manually to see what was going on and it says.

Error: invalid command name "sage".

I did notice that Lance said it was in 2.3.2a7.1 that he had up on his
site. So I downloaded it and installed that version. However I get
the following in the logs:

Trying to get all of the configs.
ch-f5sys01 f5login error: Error: invalid command name "sage"
ch-f5sys01: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.crt,bigpipe route static sho
w,bigpipe monitor list,bigpipe base list,bigpipe
platform,TERM=xterm,bigpipe config sync show,cat /c
onfig/RegKey.license,ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.key,export TERM,bigpipe version,bi
gpipe profile list,bigpipe list
ch-f5sys01: End of run not found

Can someone please point me in the right direction of what I did wrong?

Lance Vermilion
2008-02-21 18:30:03 UTC

unfortunately we have been doing some things in the background in
regards to a new F5 script that will work natively with clogin thus
not requiring the use of f5login. I need to verify a couple of things
for John H. today to make sure it works as expected. If that works
then john will be releasing a new version of rancid that the new
f5rancid script included.

In the meantime.....

In order for this to work you will need to include something like this
in your .cloginrc

add userprompt *f5* sshOnlyNoPrompt
add autoenable *f5* 1
add user *f5*

Regarding your errors. I am not sure where the sage portion came from.
Are you sure you didn't add anything to the command line statement?

Post by chris
I saw discussions on F5 devices from last few months. I downloaded
the f5rancid_pl.txt and f5login_exp.txt files that were posted by
Lance. I put them in the bin directory and renamed them f5rancid and
I then edited rancid-fe and added in
'f5' => 'f5rancid',
in the vendortable section.
I then added my device to router.db and put the appropriate lines in
.clonginrc that was listed in the files, making changes as needed.
I then run rancid-run -r ch-f5sys01
And nothing in the logs.
I tried doing a f5login manually to see what was going on and it says.
Error: invalid command name "sage".
I did notice that Lance said it was in 2.3.2a7.1 that he had up on his
site. So I downloaded it and installed that version. However I get
Trying to get all of the configs.
ch-f5sys01 f5login error: Error: invalid command name "sage"
ch-f5sys01: missed cmd(s): ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.crt,bigpipe route static sho
w,bigpipe monitor list,bigpipe base list,bigpipe
platform,TERM=xterm,bigpipe config sync show,cat /c
onfig/RegKey.license,ls --full-time --color=never
/config/ssl/ssl.key,export TERM,bigpipe version,bi
gpipe profile list,bigpipe list
ch-f5sys01: End of run not found
Can someone please point me in the right direction of what I did wrong?
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