[rancid] ! character added to start of GetSystem lines
Gavin McCullagh
2011-02-04 11:33:45 UTC

using fnrancid (for fortinet), I've noticed that the scripts prefix lines
from the GetSystem command with a !.

Is this a rancid-specific notation or is this an effort to make these lines
into comments, so the whole file could be loaded up on a Fortinet unit? As
far as I can see # is the comment character on Fortinet.

Iñaki Martínez Díez
2011-02-04 11:47:07 UTC

You are right, ! Is for comments in Cisco, so in fortigate should change
these lines in fnracid:

183 ProcessHistory("","","","!$_");
214 ProcessHistory("ENC","","","!$1 ENC <removed> $3\n");
289 ProcessHistory("","","","!RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: fortigate\n\n");


183 ProcessHistory("","","","#$_");
214 ProcessHistory("ENC","","","#$1 ENC <removed> $3\n");
289 ProcessHistory("","","","!RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: fortigate\n\n");
Post by Gavin McCullagh
using fnrancid (for fortinet), I've noticed that the scripts prefix lines
from the GetSystem command with a !.
Is this a rancid-specific notation or is this an effort to make these
into comments, so the whole file could be loaded up on a Fortinet unit?
far as I can see # is the comment character on Fortinet.
Iñaki Martínez Díez
Departamento de redes
acens Technologies S.L.
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