[rancid] CVS or SVN?
Eric Cables
2008-03-21 19:48:37 UTC
Just wondering who is using CVS or SVN to manage their RANCID repository.
Has anyone switched from one to the other, if so, why?

Eric Cables
james machado
2008-03-21 22:31:53 UTC
Hi Eric,

I'm running SVN myself. I do not have any prior experience with either CVS
or SVN however over the years I've heard enough horror stories about CVS and
at least 1 less about SVN to push me that way. I would be interested in
running git but I'm not willing to experiment with the patch that came out
last year to make it work.

john heasley
2008-03-22 18:16:39 UTC
Choose based upon the features that you want or what you're already using
for other tasks. For rancid's purposes, either work just fine.
Post by james machado
Hi Eric,
I'm running SVN myself. I do not have any prior experience with either CVS
or SVN however over the years I've heard enough horror stories about CVS and
at least 1 less about SVN to push me that way. I would be interested in
running git but I'm not willing to experiment with the patch that came out
last year to make it work.
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Randy Bush
2008-03-22 22:21:29 UTC
for other reasons, i am moving all my tons of gunk from cvs to svn.
anyone have the recipe for what one has to do to rancid for the
conversion, other than running cvs2svn?

Eric Cables
2008-03-23 01:53:08 UTC
Can you elaborate on your reasons for moving from CVS -> SVN?
Post by Randy Bush
for other reasons, i am moving all my tons of gunk from cvs to svn.
anyone have the recipe for what one has to do to rancid for the
conversion, other than running cvs2svn?
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Eric Cables
Steve Snodgrass
2008-03-22 01:28:15 UTC
Post by Eric Cables
Just wondering who is using CVS or SVN to manage their RANCID
repository. Has anyone switched from one to the other, if so, why?
I'm using CVS, but I use subversion for some other things. Frankly, the
limitations of CVS do not matter for rancid, so I see not reason not to use
it since it's a bit easier to set up. Add a web server with cvsweb for best
results - being able to review all your configs and diffs via the web
interface is extremely nice.
Steve Snodgrass * ***@pheran.com * Network/Security/Linux/Perl Geek
"If you want to be somebody else, change your mind." -Sister Hazel
Eric Cables
2008-03-22 17:30:19 UTC
Does Subversion not have a "svnweb" equivalent? I am using CVS currently,
and use cvsweb to view config diffs, and find it very useful.
Post by Steve Snodgrass
Post by Eric Cables
Just wondering who is using CVS or SVN to manage their RANCID
repository. Has anyone switched from one to the other, if so, why?
I'm using CVS, but I use subversion for some other things. Frankly, the
limitations of CVS do not matter for rancid, so I see not reason not to use
it since it's a bit easier to set up. Add a web server with cvsweb for best
results - being able to review all your configs and diffs via the web
interface is extremely nice.
"If you want to be somebody else, change your mind." -Sister Hazel
Eric Cables
Saku Ytti
2008-03-22 08:05:19 UTC
Post by Eric Cables
Just wondering who is using CVS or SVN to manage their RANCID repository.
Has anyone switched from one to the other, if so, why?
I use CVS and can't migrate to SVN as it lacks way to checkout whole
repository to stdout, which I need for 'grepping' network configuration
for given regexp for arbitrary date.
For SVN I'd need to fork SVN checkout for each file in repo, and it would
make this particular program vastly slower.